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Nick Rothwell net.loadbang.groovy is a package which supports the Groovy scripting/programming language within MXJ for Max/MSP.

Groovy is an agile, dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which builds upon Java by providing features such as closures and support for domain-specific programming (such as XML processing and database access). It integrates seamlessly with Java and is very similar in syntax.



Nick Rothwell Embedded Python interpreter for MaxMSP, using Jython and MXJ. This is a companion release to the Groovy interpreter.



Nick Rothwell Jetty-based embedded web server for MaxMSP. The server is packaged into an MXJ object, and can serve files from any directory in MaxMSP\'s search path. The server implements two-way communication with Max: the object reports web requests into the Max world, and Max can create attribute bindings for JSPs.


Norman Jaffe's Max Objects

Norman Jaffe 66 externals written by Norman Jaffe


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