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66 externals written by Norman Jaffe
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stack External stack is an implementation of push-down stacks, also known as LIFO (last-in, first-out) queues.

sysLogger External sysLogger writes it’s input to the syslogd facility for Mac OS 9, available from Brian Bergstrand or to the native Mac OS X facility.

tcpClient External tcpClient is an interface to the TCP/IP stack on a Macintosh

tcpLocate External tcpLocate is an interface to the TCP/IP stack on a Macintosh, providing a client to identify the IP address corresponding to an Internet address.

tcpMultiServer External tcpMultiServer is an interface to the TCP/IP stack on a Macintosh, providing an endpoint server to communicate with one or more tcpClient objects.

tcpServer External tcpServer is an interface to the TCP/IP stack on a Macintosh, providing an endpoint server to communicate with a single tcpClient object.

Vabs External Vabs calculates the absolute value of the input (either a list or a single number).

Vassemble External Vector manipulation

Vceiling External Vceiling calculates the smallest integer greater than the value given (either a list or a single number).

Vcollect External Vcollect collects all the data arriving at its left inlet into a list.

Vcos External Vcos calculates the cosine of the input (either a list or a single number).

Vdecode External Vdecode is an implementation of the APL ‘decode’ operator which is used to convert a coded representation of a number into the number itself.

Vdistance External Vdistance calculates the length of its input list, considered as an n-dimensional vector.

Vdrop External Vdrop is an implementation of the APL ‘drop’ operator which is used to return the remainder of a vector (in Max, a list) with leading or trailing elements removed.

Vencode External Vencode is an implementation of the APL ‘encode’ operator which is used to convert a number into an encoded representation according to a coding scheme or base.

Vexp External Vexp calculates the natural exponential of the input (either a list or a single number).

Vfloor External Vfloor calculates the largest integer less than the value given (either a list or a single number).

Vinvert External Vinvert calculates the multiplicative inverse of the input (either a list or a single number).

Vjet External Vjet takes as input a list and divides it into a series of fixed-size, shorter, lists. It is similar to the APL ‘reshape’ operator

Vlength External Vlength returns the number of elements in the list that it receives.

Vlog External Vlog calculates the natural logarithmof the input (either a list or a single number).

Vltrim External Vltrim is used to remove ‘noise’ numbers from the beginning of a list.

Vmean External Vmean calculates an arithmetic, geometric, or harmonic mean of the elements of a vector (in Max, a list).

Vnegate External Vnegate calculates the negative value of the input (either a list or a single number).

Vreduce External Vreduce is an implementation of the APL ‘reduction’ operator which is used to apply an operator over the elements of a vector (in Max, a list).

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