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Zsa.descriptors is a library for real-time descriptors analysis.
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zsa.bark~ External Bark coefficients

zsa.centroid~ External Spectral centroid is the barycentre of spectra.

zsa.decrease External decrease reports the amount of spectral magnitude decreasing.

zsa.decrease~ External decrease reports the amount of spectral magnitude decreasing.

zsa.energy~ External Calculater the energy of each Frequency Bin (r * r + i * i).

zsa.flatness~ External Spectral flatness of key frequency bands.

zsa.flux~ External Calculate spectral flux (difference of energy between frames)

zsa.freqpeak~ External Extract a list of pairs Frequence/Amplitude

zsa.fund External Estimate fundamental frequency in a list of Frequency / Amplitude Pairs

zsa.kurtosis~ External Spectral kurtosis gives a measure of the flatness of a spectra around its baricenter

zsa.mel~ External Mel Coefficients

zsa.rolloff~ External The spectral roll-off point is the frequency so that x% of the signal falls below this frequency

zsa.skewness~ External Spectral skewness gives a measure of the asymmetry of a spectra around its baricenter

zsa.slope External spectral slope estimation of the amount of spectral magnitude decreasing, computed by a linear regression on numeric spectra list

zsa.slope~ External Spectral slope is an estimation of the amount of spectral magnitude decreasing, computed by a linear regression on the magnitude spectra.

zsa.spread~ External spectral spread is the second moment, i.e., the variance around the spectral baricenter

zsa.ampstats~ External Report min/mean/max/sum of a signal vector or a FFT frame

zsa.dct External Outputs Discrete Cosine Transform

zsa.dist External Calculates various kind of distance on lists (Euclidian, Minkowsky, Cosine, Covariance, Kullback-Leibler)

zsa.mfcc~ External Outputs Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as a list.

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