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up~ External [This has no effect in MSP which does not yet support multiple sampling rates.]
Up~ outputs a signal which has been upsampled to twice the incoming signal's sampling rate using a 4-point interpolation.
vacancy~ External vacancy~ performs spectral compositing. The threshold controls the compositing and is specified in dB.
vacancy~ performs spectral compositing. The threshold controls the compositing and is specified in dB. Useful values lie in the range from -90 dB to 90 dB. Threshold inversion is available via the invert message. The threshold can also track the current RMS value of of the signal. In RMS tracking mode, the useful threshold range will be somewhat different depending upon the character of the input signals. Phases will be derived from the left input unless phase swapping is specified. In this case phases will be taken from the right input signal when the threshold test is true.
vb.aubio~ External offline onset/transient detection
offline onset detection of buffer based audio data using aubio framework by Paul Brossier
vb.blit~ External a bandlimited impulse oscillator
based on discrete summation formulas.
vb.brown~ External a brownian noise generator with adjustable step size
vb.cheby~ External A chebyshev high-/lowpass filter with variable number of poles
A filter with very steep roll-off and adjustable passband ripple. If ripple is set to 0 %, it turns into a Butterworth filter.
The object can be used to only calculate the filter coefficients, and use these with cascade~ to carry out the filtering, or if a signal is connected to the input, the object performs the filtering itself.
vb.delayA~ External a fractional delay line using first-order allpass interpolation and feedback.
vb.fbosc~ External a feedback oscillator
a sinewave oscillator with adjustable amount of feedback (for phase modulation)
vb.FFTWbuf~ External perform a single FFT/iFFT on data inside a buffer (non realtime).
unlike vb.fftbuf~, for this object the buffer can be of arbitrary length.
vb.freezer~ External freeze audio input into a perfect loop
the loop is automatically copied to an external buffer~ for playback and pitch manipulation. successive freezes are overdubbed on previous contents of the buffer~.
vb.gbuzz~ External A non-bandlimited impulse train generator with spectrum control.
based on Dodge/Jerse
vb.goertzel~ External a goertzel filter
goertzel filter implementation, to detect presence of a specific frequency component in a signal
vb.jonverb~ External reverb generator
an inexpensive artificial reverb generator after Jon Dattorro
vb.linCongru~ External linear congruential pattern generator
vb.phasor0~ External a phasor that changes its frequency only at the beginning of a new ramp
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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