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tanx~ External tan(x) for signals
tap.1pole-lp~ External 1 pole lowpass filter
tap.5comb~ External bank of 5 comb filters
bank of 5 comb filters with presets
tap.allpole~ External all-pole filter
an all-pole filter with up to 100 poles
tap.anticlick~ External click and pop reduction
reduce pops & clicks in a signal
tap.auto_thru~ External Signal Routing Utility automatic switch
Essentially an automatic switch, tap.auto_thru~ sends the first inlet's signal thru to the output unless the second inlet has a signal connected to it. If a signal is connected to the 2nd inlet, the first inlet is cut off.
tap.avg~ External envelope folower
tap.bink~ External This is an alternative port of Miller Puckett\'s bonk~ object.
This is an alternative port of Miller Puckett\'s bonk~ object. This port was originally done by Ichiro Fujinaga in 1999 for Tim Place\'s piece Chinese Food II (for Chopsticks & Computer). When Max 4 came out he did some updating to get it working again, and then some additional work to make it (sort of) work with OS X.
tap.crossfade~ External Crossfade between two signals
tap.decibels~ External conversion : amplitude / dB Decibels
Convert to and from Decibels
tap.diff~ External 6dB per octave highpass filter
6dB/octave highpass - useful w/ convolution
tap.elixir~ External Mix signals in the right proportions
tap.fft-list~ External FFT convert the frequency domain into a list
convert the frequency domain into a list
tap.fft-normalize~ External normalize an FFT
tap.fft~ External windowed and overlapped FFT
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 90720763 members connected RSS
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