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play-samp~ Abstraction Plays one sample.
Plays one sample. The object requires a list sent to its input with the following elements: transposition factor (float between -N and N) - buffer name - gain factor (float between 0 an 1). If 1 is sent to the right input, the sample would loop until a 0 is sent.
playcontrol_v3 External 2 button sfplay~ control.
Only tested on sfplay~ so far.
Allows the use of 2 buttons to control Play/Pause (Resume) and Stop.
For best use, insert into a subpatch and then connect message boxes "Play/Pause" and "Stop" to the inlets respectively. Connect the outlet to sfplay~.
Play/Pause will Play the file from the begining and then pause if clicked again. While paused it will 'resume' if clicked. Stop will reset and it will play from the begining.
Version 3 fixed the pause/resume problem.
play~ External Sample playback based on position within a buffer~
play~ is a playback interface for buffer~ that plays back samples based on an offset within the sample. See groove~ for another sample playback interface. play~ is typically used with line, but can be used with any signal that generates a changing position value.
plucked~ External simple plucked string model, STK, synthesis toolkit
plugin~ External Define a plug-in's audio inputs
plugout~ External Define a plug-in's audio outputs
plugphasor~ External Output 0-1 ramp beat-synchronized with host
Output 0-1 ramp beat-synchronized with host. When the host's transport is playing, plugphasor~ will output a beat-synchronized ramp (like phasor~). This ramp can be used to drive a cycle~ for a beat-synced LFO.
plugreceive~ External Receive a signal from another plug-in
Receive a signal from another plug-in. plugreceive~ outputs a signal received from a plugsend~. You can use plugreceive~ to send audio between different DSP chains in a multiple plug-in environment. There can be any number of plugreceive~ objects for each plugsend~, and any number of plugsend~ object add their signals to the "bus" read by plugreceive~.
plugsend~ External Send a signal from one plug-in to another
Send a signal from one plug-in to another. plugsend~ is similar to send~ except it works for sending audio between different DSP chains. Like send~, multiple plugsend~ objects with the same name add their signals together. plugsend~ is, however, less efficient than send~ within a single DSP chain.
plugsync~ External Report information about time in a plug-in host
Report information about time in a plug-in host. plugsync~ provides a platform-independent way of determining timing information provided by the host. All platforms (including Max) implement the sample count feature, some (MAS, VST2) implement bar/beat information.
plus~(+~) External Signal addition operator
poke~ External Write into a buffer~ using a signal sample index
Write into a buffer~ using a signal sample index. poke~ allows you to write samples into a buffer~ at sample locations specified by a signal. Typically, the signal will increase in value by 1 with each sample to write successive values into successive samples (like record~). If the index signal is negative or larger than the size of the buffer~, no data is recorded.
poltocar~ External Polar to cartesian coordinate conversion.
Poly-B.P.particule2 Abstraction used with pmpd 2D objects, create/delete mass, control, bounds, collision detection & receive
abstraction include in a poly~ object for create/delete mass in a limited space, control physics properties by group or individual, and receive values.
polyline Abstraction non-audio use of poly~
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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