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munger1~ External a realtime multichannel granulator
a.k.a. the swiss-army-knife of realtime granular synthesis
Enhancement of Dan Trueman's munger~ using Thomas Grill's Flext.
munger~ External stereo granulator, granular synthesis, transposition
mute1~ Abstraction fade out
This abstraction is not to be confused with the standard MSP external object mute~, as the two objects serve different purposes. Back in the early days of MAX/FTS on the ISPW, mute1~ was created as a way to quickly fade out a portion of the signal chain, without causing clicks. Unfortunately, its name is very similar to that of the mute~ object in MSP, which is designed to brutally switch on and off the DSP calculations within sub-patchers.
mute~ External Disable signal objects in a patcher
mute~ provides an easy way to disable only the signal objects in a subpatcher. An alternative is to use pcontrol as shown below, but this disables all objects (i.e. MIDI) and is slightly slower.
netreceive~ External receive uncompressed audio signals over network connections
netsend~ External send uncompressed audio signals over network connections
like netsend / netreceive, but for low-latency multichannel audio

1 comment

noisegate~ Patch a nice little noisegate
noise~ External Noise generator
Noise generator. noise~ is pretty simple. Just connect its outlet to something and you get noise. White noise*. The signal input is ignored. You could use it with begin~.
noisiness~ External Bark-based Spectral Flatness Measure
normalize~ External Scale a signal based on its maximum amplitude
Scale a signal based on its maximum amplitude. normalize~ performs real-time normalization of its input by multiplying each input sample value by a scaling factor Ñ computed as the maximum output value (sent either as a signal or a float in the right inlet) over the maximum signal input value received thus far. You can change the maximum input value with the reset message or with a float in the left input. If no argument follows "reset" the new maximum input value (and the initial maximum input value) is 0.000001
notequals~ (!=~) External not equal signal operator
nsfplayer~ External A Nintendo Sound Format (NSF) file player.
nsfplayer~ is a Nintendo Sound Format (NSF) file player for Max/MSP. Features include the ability to selectively enable and disable specific sound channels, as well as the ability to modify the underlying sampling rate of the emulated sounds. The end result is an easy way to obtain structured chiptune sounds from within MSP, as well as the ability to manipulate those sounds for glitched chiptune madness.
number~ External Signal monitor, converter, and generator
number~ is designed to make it convenient to monitor signal outputs for debugging. It can also be used to supply a constant signal value. It combines the functions of snapshot~, a floating-point number box, and sig~/line~. number~ can display either the incoming signal (when the wave icon is present in the box) or the outgoing signal (when the arrow icon is present). Click on the picture to switch display modes. When the display shows the input signal being monitored, you can't change the value by clicking or typing. When the outgoing signal value is displayed, you can click in the box to select it for typing or change it in the same way as a floating-point number box.
och.dobrian.quadpan~ Module simple quadpan~ enabled m4l device.
this guy uses the left channel only to spatialize, so you may want to use a utility like the one I provided in the zip folder here.
honestly, surround panner is much better than my implementation, but if you
simple quadpan~ enabled m4l device.
this guy uses the left channel only to spatialize, so you may want to use a utility like the one I provided in the zip folder here.
honestly, surround panner is much better than my implementation, but if you want something really quick and easy, this is great.
oddfm~ Abstraction an odd use of the tap object for frequency modulation goodness.
the patch is in the detailed description.
max v2;
#N vpatcher 123 44 330 267;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P newex 63 79 31 196617 +~ 1;
#N comlet out~;
#P outlet 10 178 15 0;
#N comlet index (signal/float);
#P inlet 129 45 15 0;
#P newex 63 115 27 196617 *~;
#N comlet modulator ~;
#P inlet 63 45 15 0;
#N comlet carrier ~;
#P inlet 10 45 15 0;
#P newex 10 140 44 196617 tapout~;
#P newex 10 79 38 196617 tapin~;
#P comment 10 27 44 196617 carrier;
#P comment 63 27 53 196617 modulator;
#P comment 129 27 43 196617 index!;
#P comment 74 157 100 196617 cheap and delicious!;
#P connect 6 0 4 0;
#P connect 4 0 5 0;
#P fasten 8 0 5 0 68 136 15 136;
#P connect 5 0 10 0;
#P connect 7 0 11 0;
#P connect 11 0 8 0;
#P fasten 9 0 8 1 134 102 85 102;
#P pop;
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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