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pg.rolloff~ External Estimation of the rolloff frequency.
pg.unpack~ External Unpack object for signal (Max5 only).
sc.clipnoise~ External Clip Noise.
Generates noise whose spectrum falls off in power by 3 dB per octave. sc.crackle~
vj.buffer_cropper Abstraction remove silence from the beginning of an audio recording within a buffer~ object
remove silence from the beginning of an audio recording within a buffer~ object
vj.random_filename Abstraction abstraction that creates a random filename. Output has descriptive filename and random number in front. No more overwriting sfrecord~ files when batch recording in multiple sessions!!
abstraction that creates a random filename. Output has descriptive filename and random number in front. No more overwriting sfrecord~ files when batch recording in multiple sessions!!
zsa.bark~ External Bark coefficients
zsa.centroid~ External Spectral centroid is the barycentre of spectra.
zsa.decrease~ External decrease reports the amount of spectral magnitude decreasing.
zsa.energy~ External Calculater the energy of each Frequency Bin (r * r + i * i).
zsa.flatness~ External Spectral flatness of key frequency bands.
zsa.flux~ External Calculate spectral flux (difference of energy between frames)
zsa.freqpeak~ External Extract a list of pairs Frequence/Amplitude
zsa.kurtosis~ External Spectral kurtosis gives a measure of the flatness of a spectra around its baricenter
zsa.mel~ External Mel Coefficients
zsa.rolloff~ External The spectral roll-off point is the frequency so that x% of the signal falls below this frequency
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 100674699 members connected RSS
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