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f0.range2~ External finds minimum, middle and maximum values of a signal and remembers them with a smooth factor
f0.range~ External finds minimum, middle and maximum values of a signal and remembers them until reset
f0.round~ External round a signal to nearest quantise value
f0.slub~ External generate cpu spikes - msp version
f0.smooth2~ External double exponential smoothing (des)
f0.smooth~ External single exponential smoothing (ses)
f0.tune~ External frequency quantiser
f0.wrap~ Abstraction wrap values
fbinshift~ External A frequency domain bin shiter for use with pfft~.
fc.BP.Link Abstraction link the masses create with the poly-B.P.particule2
include in a poly~object, permitted to make different links between the masses create with the poly-B.P.particule2
fffb~ External Fast fixed filter bank
Fast fixed filter bank. fffb~ implements a bank of bandpass filter objects (essentially the same as reson~). The input signal is applied to all filters, and the outputs of each filter are available separately. This object is more efficient than using a number of reson~ objects, but does not accept signals for parameter changes.
fftinfo~ External get info about the fft frames in a patcher loaded by pfft~
fftin~ External communicate between a pfft~ and the outside world...
fftout~ External communicate between a pfft~ and the outside world...
fft~ External Perform an FFT (fast Fourier transform) on a signal
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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