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bstop1~ Abstraction band-stop filter
A notch, or band-stop, filter performs the inverse of a band-pass filter. It lets all frequencies except those within it’s defined frequency band pass through. As you can see by looking inside this abstraction, all you need to do is subtract the band-pass filtered signal from the original signal.
bthresher~ External bthresher~ extends the thresher model, to give independent control over the parameters of each individual bin.
bthresher~ extends the thresher model, to give independent control over the parameters of each individual bin. You can also randomly set damping and threshold values, and can dump the current values (to possibly send as input to another bthresher~ unit).

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buf.Op Javaclass (mxj) buffer~ operations
perform operations on a buffer~, get detailed information about a buffer~ object
bufcpy~ External copy audio between buffers
bufedit~ External It enables you to modify data in buffer~
It enables you to modify data in buffer~. It will be useful for making weird sound or impulse response. Don't ask me why don't you use peek~... I didn't know peek~ untill I've finished coding of bufedit~. bufedit~ has advantages and disadvantage with peek~. Advantage of bufedit~ is a lot of supported messages, for example, it is possible to make a window with a few command without Uzi, or when performing convolution and if impulse response is static or less changes, bufedit~'s fft command will help you with computational expences. And unlike peek~, bufedit~ can store value greater than 1. Disadvantage is that I strongly believe DZ's programming skill is superior than mine and I've not tested bufedit~ much yet (it seems stable for me). So please use bufedit~ at your own risk, I don't owe any responssibility to disbenefit caused by using bufedit~.
buffer~ External Multichannel sample buffer
buffer~ works in conjunction with many different objects, including play~/groove~ (to play the buffer), record~ (records into the buffer), info~ (to report information about the buffer), peek~ (to write into/read from the buffer like the table object), lookup~ (to use the buffer for waveshaping), cycle~ (to specify a 512-point waveform), and wave~ (to specify a waveform).
buffir~ External buffir~ is a buffer~ based fir(finite impulse response) filter.
buffir~ is a buffer~ based fir(finite impulse response) filter. an input signal is convolved with n samples of a buffer. Currently the maximum number of points is 128.
bufGranul~ External sound buffer~ granulation DSP object
Advanced sound buffer~ granulation DSP engine for MaxMSP. Features are buffer based enveloppe, float/signal parameter control, internal spatialisation of each grain on 2-4-6-8 channels, high polyphony ( up to 512 simultaneous grains ).
burrow~ External filtering
burrow~ performs filtering much like drown~, but it utilizes a second signal input to utilize as a filter threshold reference. The threshold controls the extent of the filtering. It is specified in dB. Useful values lie in the range from 0 to -90 dB. Threshold inversion is available via the invert message.
butt~ External butt~ is a dirty filter! Actually, it is a simple biquadratic filter (band-pass/band-reject/highpass/lowpass), with a dirtiness factor... at some frequency, it sounds a bit like a vinyl scratch. In version 2, the code is highly optimized for Altivec.
bypass~ Abstraction Connects the first input to the first output.
Can be used to replace for example biquad~s or something like that without breaking connections if you would like to undo back later.
byplay~ External byplay~ provides note-statement-like playback of audio from a buffer~
cabasa~ External cabasa shaker PhISM model, STK, synthesis toolkit
capture~ External Collect samples from a signal and examine them in a text window
capture~ is similar to the capture object, except that it collects signal values rather than incoming integers. capture~ is designed for signal debugging or investigationÑfor recording, use record~ or writesf~
cartodb~ External Computes the amplitude in decibels of an fft bin. Useful for dynamics processing in the frequency domain, such as spectral gating.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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