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timer External Report elapsed time between two events
Timer takes no arguments. Both inlets take a 'bang'. Timer resets time to zero and starts keeping time when a 'bang' is sent to the left inlet. The elapsed time in milliseconds is output each time a 'bang' is sent to the right inlet.
tm.delay Abstraction Modified delay that delays messages and stops the delay when it receives and allstop bang.
togedge External Report zero/non-zero transitions
TogEdge sends bangs for 0->1 transitions out the left outlet, and bangs the right outlet for 1->0 transitions. Outlets alternate output when bangs are received
tone1~ Abstraction low-budget tone control
This low-budget tone control uses coef_hlshelf2~ to provide easy "home stereo style" 3- band graphic EQ for low mid-range and high frequencies. The cut or boost for the three segments is defined in decibels (positive for a boost/gain, and negative for a cut/attenuation). Remember that a signal’s amplitude is doubled when it is boosted by 6 dB and halved when it is attenuated by 6 dB.
touchin External Output incoming MIDI after touch values
Touchin can take arguments for MIDI port / channel. The number of outlets is variable - one if a channel argument is specified or two if no argument is specified. When a MIDI after touch message is received, touchin outputs from right (MIDI channel) to left (after touch value).
train~ External Pulse-train generator and metronome
Pulse-train generator and metronome. train~ generates a pulse signal whose period is specifiable in terms of milliseconds (see <~ for a method of making a pulse wave at a specified frequency). It also sends out a bang when going from 0 to 1, so it can be used as a metronome with a floating-point interval. The signal output can be used as a control input for sah~ as shown in the example below, or at very small intervals, it is audible.
ubutton External Transparent Button
The button is designed to be placed over text or pictures. The left-middle outlet sends a bang when the mouse is clicked on the button, and left outlet sends a bang when the mouse button is released.
urn External Generate random numbers without duplicates
Generate random numbers without duplicates Ñ "sampling without replacement". urn works like random, except that it keeps track of each number which has been generated. When all numbers up to the maximum (set via an argument or the right inlet) have been output, the next bang urn receives causes a bang to be sent out the right outlet.
v.- External single stream: subtract an int from each pixel (Darkness) dual stream: subtract stream 2 from stream 1
single stream: subtract an int from each pixel (Darkness) dual stream: subtract stream 2 from stream 1 In single stream mode, v.- subtracts an int or float from each pixel in the video stream. For yuv images, v.- subtracts the integer only from the y (brightness) component. Streams with int16, int32 and float32 components are processed in their existing component sizes. In dual stream mode, v.- subtracts each pixel in stream 2 from the corresponding pixel in stream 1. If the first stream is int8 then the second stream is forced to int8 as well. If the first stream is float32 then the second stream is forced to float32. When signed output is chosen, the brightness of the output stream is expressed in an unusual way for easier display and processing, with middle gray (128) representing no difference. -128 is represented as 0, 0 is represented as 128 and 128 is represented as 255.
v.abs External v.abs is intended to operate on signed images (where negative pixel values are allowed).
v.abs is intended to operate on signed images (where negative pixel values are allowed). For int16, int32 and float32 images, the output is the absolute value of each input pixel. For 8-bit images, v.abs assumes that the image is 'pseudo-signed' in which the range 0 to 255 represents -128 to 127. It first subtracts 128 from the 0-255 value to produce a signed image and then performs the absolute value. (Objects like v.motion when used in signed mode set their output based on the same assumption)
v.adapt External single stream: sample (pass), adapt to or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) adapt to or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream.
single stream: sample (pass), adapt to or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) adapt to or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream. v.adapt passes the incoming stream when the input is 255 and holds a frame when the input is 0. In between, v.adapt adapts the output stream to the incoming values at a rate determined by the input. In single stream mode, the input is the int value received in the second inlet. In dual stream mode, the input is derived on a pixel by pixel basis from the pixels of a second stream. In single stream mode, if the v.adapt is currently 'holding', then bangs received in the first inlet grab and hold a new frame.
v.bufferpool External This object allows you to preallocate buffers of various formats and resolutions to be shared amongst other object.
This object allows you to preallocate buffers of various formats and resolutions to be shared amongst other object. Buffer pools can be named or unnamed. Named pools offer their buffers only to objects that have been told to allocate from those pools. Unnamed pools are available to any object without a pool preference. When created, a buffer pool is empty. If an object has declared that it will allocate its buffers from a specific buffer pool and that buffer pool cannot satisfy the request, the object will not try to get the buffers from general memory and the object will bypass itself and send the following message from its outlet: buffer_set_full
v.buffertap External Output the frames in a v.buffers object as a stream.
Output the frames in a v.buffers object as a stream. v.buffertap accesses the frames stored in a v.buffers object of the same name. You can have multiple v.buffertaps accessing one v.buffers. You have several ways of playing back the frames: playing, looping, reversing_looping, and manual control. You can tell v.buffertap to interpolate between frames when the speed is slow, or you have manually specified a floating point frame number. You can set in and out points in v.buffertap to allow you to play and loop subsections of the buffers. If the in point is larger than the out point, the clip plays backwards from in to out.
v.idleblack External v.idleblack adds a single black frame to the end of a video stream.
v.idleblack adds a single black frame to the end of a video stream. This happens when v.idleblack receives a v.stop message or if the source object is deleted or patch-cords cut. The black frame is inserted before the v.stop message.
v.nor External single stream: do a bit-wise NOR operation on each pixel's brightness dual stream: do a bit-wise NOR between the pixel brightnesses of two streams
single stream: do a bit-wise NOR operation on each pixel's brightness dual stream: do a bit-wise NOR between the pixel brightnesses of two streams In single stream mode, v.nor calculates the bitwise NOR of the each pixel of stream 1 and an integer. In dual stream mode, v.nor NORs each pixel in stream 1 with the corresponding pixel in stream 2. This is most useful when the two streams are the result of comparison objects (i.e. v.>) which output 0 or 255, meaning that the bit-wise NOR effectively operates as a logical NOR in that case.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='139'Alain Bonardi
Isis Truck
When manipulating human knowledge such as perception, feelings, appreciation, veracity of facts, etc., the classical logic that recognize only two truth degrees (true or false) is not always the most suitable.

To solve this problem, more than two degrees are considered in the non-classical logics. The fuzzy logic is one of these logics.

In this logic, facts are represented through membership functions: when the membership value is equal to 1 the fact is exactly true; when it is equal to 0 the fact is exactly false; in between there is an uncertainty about the veracity of the fact.

These membership functions are called "fuzzy subsets". They can be of different shapes: gaussian, trapezoidal, triangular, etc.

Thus the aim of the fuzzy logic is to propose a theoretical framework for the manipulation - representation and reasoning - of such facts.

The Fuzzy Lib library implements all the tools that are necessary to handle this manipulation: representation of a fuzzy subset (among them are the fuzzification, defuzzification and partitioning), reasoning process (generalized modus ponens, fuzzy implications, t-norms, t-conorms, etc.).

This version 1 of the Fuzzy Lib enables to implement fuzzification, uncertain reasoning and defuzzification for any number of data in the framework of Max/MSP environment.

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