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sadam.rapidXML External A RapidXML wrapper for Max.
sadam.rapidXML will create, read, store or even modify DOM trees. The DOM is one of the possible representations of the contents of an XML document (see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.) The object internally uses the RapidXML 1.13 library (see http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/,) which is one of the fastest, yet still almost completely W3C compliant, freely available XML parsers.

When an XML is parsed, the object will assign a unique ID to each Element of the document, called the Element Index. This index won't get stored and changes each time when the order of Elements in the XML is modified (either by inserting or removing Elements). However, using the Element Index is the preferred (and in most cases, the only) way to address a given element in the XML. The Element Index is sent out the rightmost outlet each time an element is accessed. The Element Index of the Document Element is always 0, the rest of the Elements get their index in their 'order of appearence'. This means that even if an Element is being inserted or removed, the Index of the Elements that come earlier in the Document won't change.

When querying Attributes, Text, or CDATA nodes, the requested data will be sent out the appropriate outlets in right-to-left order (in case of Attributes, if more than one Attribute is requested, they will be sent to the output as a sequence like AttributeName1-AttributeValue1-AttributeName2-AttributeValue2-...-AttributeNameN-AttributeValueN, alternating on the appropriate outlets) followed by an error code. When querying Elements, the result will be sent out as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index, the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes).

The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet. After each command sent to the object, an error code is being sent back through this outlet at the end of the execution of the given command. A negative value means that the command could not be executed successfully, while 0 means success. In some cases (typically when one or more Elements are queried) the error outlet reports the number of Elements successfully returned.

As already mentioned, RapidXML 1.13 (and therefore sadam.rapidXML) is not fully W3C compliant. The main reason is that the parser ignores DOCTYPE declarations. There are also some difficulties with namespace management as well, the parser wouldn't refuse XMLs containing more than one root element and it will allow duplicate attributes for the same element. Also, to make parsing faster, all kind of XML validation is turned off by the wrapper Max object. If you need a 100% W3C compliant XML parser, consider sadam.dom, which is almost identical in functionality to sadam.rapidXML and requires MXJ to run.
sadam.sax Javaclass (mxj) A Simple API for XML (SAX) interface for Max.
sadam.sax will parse XML documents using SAX. The output will be sent out for each Element as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index (the number of the Element in the XML), the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes). The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet: if any error happens during parsing, it returns -1, otherwise it returns 0 after finishing the parsing process.

sadam.dom and sadam.sax are both W3C compliant XML parsers, however, this means some overhead in terms of resources. If you need a lightweight, fast XML parser and you can live with some limitations regarding W3C compliance, consider using sadam.rapidXML.
ScaleMaster Patch a collection of note quantizers, scale data, and tools to manipulate and generate new quantitization tables
Takes numbers and turns them into other numbers. ScaleMaster is a collection of note quantizers, scale data, and tools to manipulate and generate new quantitization tables. Hopefully the system is pretty self explanitory, but if not, feel free to ask me about anything you find opaque.
searchtweet Javaclass (mxj) Returns a specified number of most recent twitter posts that contain a given keyword, #hashtag, or @usertag.
Searchtweet.class is a mxj external that searches Twitter with a given keyword and returns a desired maximum number of most recent posts, with username, date and twitter text body routed to separate outlets. Searchtweet uses twitter4j library (http://twitter4j.org) programmed by Yusuke Yamamoto.
selector~ External Switch output among several input signals
Switch output among several input signals. The selector~ object is a version of the Max switch object for signals. It takes an argument for number of inputs (one is the default) and lets you turn incoming signals on and off by sending an int to its left inlet. If there is more than one input, selector~ shuts off all inputs except the one you select, where 1 selects the input to the right of the leftmost inlet, 2 selects the next one to the right, etc. selector~ can also control the activation or deactivation of part of a signal processing network. For an example, see the begin~ help file. Note: "shutting off" a signal means disconnecting it from gate's output and outputting a zero signal instead. This is different from the behavior of the Max switch object.
sfmarkers~ External Returns the list and number of markers present in a sound file.
Returns the list and number of markers present in a sound file. The position of the markers is available in ms or sample. It actually works with WAVE, AIFF and sdII files for the pre Max5 versions. sfmarkers~ also returns the loops defined in the 'sampler' chunk of WAVE files.
Latest version is 64bits ready.
sig~ External Output a constant value as a signal
Output a constant value as a signal. This object converts a float or int to a signal. It also accepts a signal in, which it ignores. You connect a begin~ to the input of a signal to use it in defining the start of a signal processing network you want to turn on or off.
sntpMaxClient Javaclass (mxj) sntp client
sntp client. It returns the date and time from a NTP server.
spaceball External spaceball is an interface to the Labtec six-degrees-of-freedom trackball, the Spaceball.
spaceball is an interface to the Labtec six-degrees-of-freedom trackball, the Spaceball. It sends commands to a serialX object, which controls the serial port that the Spaceball is attached to, and responds to data returned from the Spaceball via the serialX object.
splitXchan External Easily route notes and controllers by channel or ranges of channels without unpacking the lists
Easily route notes and controllers by channel or ranges of channels without unpacking the lists; turn channels on/off, etc. Hookup directly to noteins, etc.
St.bankout Abstraction Turn sprogram numbers higher than 127 into the required combination of bank change and program change midi events.
tap.jit.proximity External find the nearest point
tap.jit.proximity looks at a matrix containing pairs of coordinates and returns the pair that is nearest to the input coords.
tap.myip External returns IP Address
returns your IP Address
tap.pi External pi
returns the value of pi
urn External Generate random numbers without duplicates
Generate random numbers without duplicates Ñ "sampling without replacement". urn works like random, except that it keeps track of each number which has been generated. When all numbers up to the maximum (set via an argument or the right inlet) have been output, the next bang urn receives causes a bang to be sent out the right outlet.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='22'Mitchell Turner Turn_To_FFT_1.01 is a set of pfft~ subpatches that punch irregular holes into the spectrum of a sound.

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