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grain.pulse~ External granular synthesis - Outputs a single grain when it detects a pulse from a 'train~' object.
Outputs a single grain when it detects a pulse from a 'train~' object. Allows a higher density of grains to sound than with 'grain.bang~' because it does not rely of the scheduler.
train.shift~ External pulse signals like train~
Outputs pulse signals like 'train~' with evenly-spaced phase relationships between the outlets.
train~ External Pulse-train generator and metronome
Pulse-train generator and metronome. train~ generates a pulse signal whose period is specifiable in terms of milliseconds (see <~ for a method of making a pulse wave at a specified frequency). It also sends out a bang when going from 0 to 1, so it can be used as a metronome with a floating-point interval. The signal output can be used as a control input for sah~ as shown in the example below, or at very small intervals, it is audible.
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