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cv.jit.touches Abstraction Track greyscale/binary image regions.
cv.jit.touches uses the meanshift algorithm to track blobs in a greyscale or binary image. The object was designed to be used in the context of multi-touch interfaces (hence the name) but it can also be used in other situations, such as overhead tracking of people in a space.
DCILoadTexture.mxo External External
Density Standalone Application Density Granular Synthesis Environment
Density is a new real-time software designed especially for LIVE asynchronous granular synthesis and sound file granulation, a genuine granular playground able to generate a wide range of usual and not so usual effects: time/pitch shifting, time/pitch jittering, intricate textures, grain fountain/pulverizer, recording and manipulation of buffers, complex scrub pad exploration, dynamic envelope shape drawing and many more. Besides the basic tools, even more advanced tools are available to control the grains! You have smooth transitions (interpolation) between global presets (snapshots), you can navigate with hyperVectorial pads or/and sequence your snaps using the "snap rhythm improviser" which provides an unique & powerful way to generate incredible sound phrases. Like any good live-oriented tool, all widgets are controllable via MIDI and OSC protocol, easy to map and manipulate with your MIDI controller. All is packed in an optimized visually sharp interface, easy to use and access when fast improvising live or lazy composing in a studio.
DGLActiveTexture.mxo External External
DGLBindTexture.mxo External External
DGLGenTexture.mxo External External
dialog External Open a dialog box for text entry
Dialog makes a symbol out of the text you type in (or a message if you set the right inlet to 1) and sends it out the outlet when you click on the OK button in the dialog box. Note that the output of a dialog object is not directly "caused" by sending the object a message, so you can't count on it happening by a certain time).
DIPSSurfaceTexture.mxo External External
DlibText.maxpat External Abstraction
dot.appendaddr Abstraction Append text to the end of the first item of a list.
dot.prependaddr Abstraction Prepend text to the beginning of the first item of a list.
f0.pdu Javaclass (mxj) decode mobile phone text messages (sms)
flite~ External text-to-speech external using Flite
a text-to-speech external using Flite, providing one male (american) voice called 'Kevin'. This object was developed for the passwort FM project at garage festival 2004.
framedelta~ External compute the phase deviation between successive FFT frames
framedelta~ subtracts each of the values of the previous input signal vector from those of the current vector so, when used in the context of a pfft~ patch (where the FFT frame is the vector size) it can be used to compute the phase deviation
FrontPanel Patch A configurable control panel for organizing presets or parameters in a patch
FrontPanel is a script-configurable control panel. It is a way of organizing, loading and saving parameters or variables in a patch. It can be used as a more versatile replacement for the 'preset' object. Using FrontPanel, the parameters in the patch can be edited and saved as coll or text files.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='3'Nathan Wolek A small collection of externals used for various spectral processing. Includes objects for computing amplitude in decibels and a few complex math functions.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='11' Cycling74 Jitter is a set of 135 brilliant new video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the Max graphical programming environment. The Jitter objects extend the functionality of Max4/MSP2 with flexible means to generate and manipulate matrix data -- any data that can be expressed in rows and columns, such as video and still images, 3D geometry, as well as text, spreadsheet data, particle systems, voxels, or audio. Jitter is useful to anyone interested in real-time video processing, custom effects, 2D/3D graphics, audio/visual interaction, data visualization, and analysis
loadbang.net SQL
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='99'Nick Rothwell A Java library for communicating with SQL databases from MXJ. We currently support MySQL and HSQLDB. The HSQLDB system includes an embedded database instance, so it runs automatically from text files in Max\'s search path; no external database server configuration is necessary.
SFA Max/MSP Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='172'Stefano Fasciani The SFA-MaxLib is a collection of Max/MSP objects developed in the context of the VCI4DMI. It includes functions and utilities in the form of FTM externals, FTM abstractions and Max abstractions. FTM is a shared library for Max/MSP developed by IRCAM, which provides a small and simple real-time object system and a set of optimized services to be used within Max/MSP externals.

List of FTM Externals: sfa.eig - eigenvalues; sfa.inputcombinations - combination generator; sfa.levinson - levinson-durbin recursion; sfa.lpc2cep - lpc to cepstra conversion; sfa.rastafilt - rasta filter; sfa.rmd - relative mean difference; sfa.roots - polynomial roots;

List of Abstractions: sfa.bark.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from time domain frame;sfa.bark2hz_vect.maxpat - Herts to Bark conversion;sfa.barkspect.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from spectrum; sfa.ceil.maxpat - ceil function; sfa.featfluxgate.maxpat - gated distance on stream of feature vectors; sfa.fft2barkmx.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.bark; sfa.fft2barkmxN.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.barkspect; sfa.hynek_eq_coeff.maxpat - hynek equalization coefficients; sfa.hz2bark.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion; sfa.hz2bark_vect.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion for vectors; sfa.hz2mel.maxpat - Hertz to Mel conversion; sfa.idft_real_coeff.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.rasta-plp; sfa.maxminmem.maxpat - minimum and maximum of a stream of data; sfa.mfcc.maxpat - MFCC coefficients; sfa.modalphafilter.maxpat - 1st order IIR lowpass on a stream of vectors; sfa.nonlinfeqscale.maxpat - linear spectrum to Bark or Mel scale conversion; sfa.rasta-plp.maxpat - PLP and RASTA-PLP coefficients; sfa.spectmoments.maxpat - 4 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness, kurtosis); sfa.3spectmoments+flatness.maxpat - 3 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness) and the spectral flatness; sfa.spectralflux.maxpat - spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.spectralfluxgate.maxpat - gated spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.std.maxpat - standard deviation; sfa.win_to_fft_size.maxpat - smaller FFT size given frame size; sfa.GCemulator.maxpat – 3D gestural controller emulator;

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