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Skew_correction Javaclass (mxj) correct for camera perspective
"Skewcorrection.pat uses a least-squared error transformation to correct for skew in an image, typically caused by the camera's perspective. This is based on correcting a warped calibration rectangle in the image to a true rectangle."
span Javaclass (mxj) Generate rhythm by setting distance between shots.
spigot~ External Route QT and SoundManager audio into MSP
The spigot~ object creates a sound output component whose output is routed into MSP. The jit.qt.movie object can be set to play it's audio through and instance of spigot~ using the message soc spigot-name. Multiple jit.qt.movie objects can use multiple spigot~ objects with differing names, or they may share a single spigot~ object, in which case their audio will be summed. Other applications which support manual selection of sound output components(e.g. Peak), may also be set to route their audio to the spigot~ object by selecting the appropriate component in the application's sound output menu. This requires that the spigot~ object exists prior to selecting it in another application.
sprintf External Build and format messages / lists of numbers and symbols / words
The sprintf object allows you to use the famous C-language "printf" function inside Max. You can combine symbols, organize lists of numbers, or format messages or menu items. Examples of sprintf are shown below, but for complete documentation, refer to a standard C library reference manual.
StandardDeviation Abstraction find the standard deviation of a list of numbers
standlone External Configure Parameters for Standalone Application
Set the various options for creating a standalone application out of your patch.
Stereo->Quad Panners Patch take a stereo source and pan each channel to either 4 or 8 playback channels.
take a stereo source and pan each channel to either 4 or 8 playback channels. The panning curves used implement a square-root curve preserving constant power. This patch also has many automation controls.
stgain1~ Abstraction gain module
This stereo gain module can be used to control a two-channel signal with one master gain fader. The advantage of using stgain1~ over a simple signal multiplication (*~) is that stgain1~ is already configured to convert a linear slider into a logarithmic gain scale. It uses the built-in log scale of the standard MSP object linedrive (see the MSP reference manual for details).
svf~ External svf~ implements Chamberlin's state-variable filter algorithm.
svf~ implements Chamberlin's state-variable filter algorithm. One of its advantages is that the it produces low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-reject (notch) output simultaneously - so all four are available in parallel.
synGranul~ External sinusoidal granulation DSP object
Advanced sinusoidal granulation DSP engine for MaxMSP. Features are buffer based enveloppe, float/signal parameter control, internal spatialisation of each grain on 2-4-6-8 channels, high polyphony ( up to 512 simultaneous grains ).
Synmergic Loop Editor plugin Pluggo (plug-in) a pluggo-based VST plugin focused on creating and editing musical patterns on-line.
The most important feature of this plugin is the online editing of musical patterns. Your on going music project remains private, having its own tempo, other VST instruments and FX…, in other words having its own unique musical character, while at the same time everything you do in this plugin is by principle public. The musical patterns exist at the synmergic server, not in your computer, and changes made to these patterns are directly reflected to anyone who uses them in his own project. Although the musical patterns are shared among various projects, this plugin is not about sharing static audio loops or bits of music, but instead it is about interaction and joining the creative process of others. The various projects sharing musical patterns form a network of on-going musical creations.

The plugin features a powerful polyphonic FM generator with the extra ability of generating various noises or even re-sampling real time audio input. Each audio event in a musical pattern has its own set of FM parameters and a dedicated envelop so that the synmergic VST plug-in comprises a versatile tool for creating audio loops.
sysLogger External sysLogger writes it’s input to the syslogd facility for Mac OS 9, available from Brian Bergstrand or to the native Mac OS X facility.
sysLogger writes it’s input to the syslogd facility for Mac OS 9, available from Brian Bergstrand or to the native Mac OS X facility. Use of the sysLogger object in Mac OS X environment may require additions to the file /etc/syslog.conf; the output can be viewed using the standard Console application.
tab1~ External reads in a file from disk in the NeXT soundfile format
At startup, tab1~ reads in a file from disk in the NeXT soundfile format - a 16-bit fixed point soundfile with the standard 28 byte NeXT header. This is converted to floating point values between -1 and +1 and the header is ignored. 512 samples of the soundfile are read into the table (if the soundfile contains more they are ignored.) Slopes between successive points are calculated and stored in memory. (Thus tab1~ tables are stored in memory as value and slope pairs).
tan External Tangent function
Tangent f uncti on
tanh External Hyperbolic tangent function
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artificial tango
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='104'Olaf Matthes The artificial tango library is a collection of externals for Max/MSP dealing with recognition, analysis and generation of musical structures and events. Most objects take MIDI data as input.
In order to use the objects from the artificial tango library FTM 2.0 has to be installed on your system.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='147'Wesley Smith
Graham Wakefield
Cosm is an integrated collection of externals and abstractions to assist the construction of navigable, sonified virtual worlds using Max/MSP/Jitter. Cosm has been designed to require only minimal changes to existing Max/MSP/Jitter patches to support a number of features valuable in the creation of virtual worlds.

Supports six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) navigation using quaternions, spatial audio using 3rd order Ambisonics, distance filtering and doppler, collision detection using spherical intersection (query sphere), world boundaries, stereographic control, 3D field interaction, and a strategy for remote rendering.
EAMIR - the Electro-acoustic Musically Interactive Room
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='133'V.j. Manzo The EAMIR project is an open-source effort to enable educators with technology for music education. Software is designed around a common configuration which can be easily implemented by music educators around the world by downloading source code and standalone applications through eamir.org.

Users who understand programming can edit the source code and post their new source and standalone applications back to the site for the EAMIR community to use.

Much of the EAMIR software is also designed to allow students with physical and mental disabilities to create meaningful music using interfaces that are accessible to their needs.

The EAMIR SDK allows users to easily create their own EAMIR-like applications by connecting preassembled interface modules to musical modules. The interfaces include cameras with color tracking, guitar hero controllers, wii remotes and devices, dance dance revolution pads, and other gaming controllers as well as traditional MIDI instruments like keyboards.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com | www.eamir.org
loadbang.net SQL
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='99'Nick Rothwell A Java library for communicating with SQL databases from MXJ. We currently support MySQL and HSQLDB. The HSQLDB system includes an embedded database instance, so it runs automatically from text files in Max\'s search path; no external database server configuration is necessary.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='96'Carl Faia MaxAlea contains various objects for random distributions and functions. MaxAlea was begun as a Max port of an existing PatchWork Library created in 1991-2 by Mikhail Malt. While the distributions and functions found in MaxAlea are similar to those found in the Patchwork version ,there are many differences in their functioning. The environment of Patchwork is static and is not designed for real-time work. Part of the incentive for creating these objects to work with Max was to have a dynamic and real-time environment with which to experiment and work with these algorithms in a manner as simple and straightforward as possible. One can change variables and manipulate the output in many ways in real-time. There are several different versions of the various stochastic models/processes best presented in the now classic references by Denis Lorrain and Charles Dodge. Carl Faia has used a variety of sources for the creation of this library which include the Lorrain, Dodge and Malt implementations as well as sources found on the WorldWideWeb. The externals found in the package include several random distributions, examples of random walks and 1/f noise algorithms, as well as one or two utilities written specifically for the MaxAlea library. Carl Faia wanted to make a coherent collection (as he thought Malt had managed to do in PatchWork) of these various algorithms and provide an interface easily accessible using the Max environment for real-time control. All these algorithms have been created using a seeded version of the random function found in the standard AINSI library. That is, each time the function is first run there will always be a different set of random numbers (unlike the random funtions found in Max, PatchWork and other versions of random number generators).
Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='5'Dan Trueman PeRColate is an open-source distribution of a variety of synthesis and signal processing algorithms for Max, MSP, and Nato. It is centered around a (partial) port of the Synthesis Toolkit (STK) by Perry Cook (Princeton) and Gary Scavone (Stanford CCRMA). Like the STK, it provides a fairly easy to use library of synthesis and signal processing functions (in C) that can be wired together to create conventional and unusual instruments. Also like the STK, it includes a variety of precompiled synthesis objects, including physical modeling, modal, and PhISM class instruments; the code for these instruments can serve as foundations for creating new instruments (one example, the blotar, is included) and can be used to teach elementary and advanced synthesis techniques. Given it's STK heritage and educational function, PeRColate is largely un-optimized, though all the objects run on a 80MHz 7100, which is pretty good. PeRColate also includes a number of objects not from the STK; some are from RTcmix and others are our own evil creations, designed to crash your computer, but only after making some kind of interesting sound or image.
SFA Max/MSP Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='172'Stefano Fasciani The SFA-MaxLib is a collection of Max/MSP objects developed in the context of the VCI4DMI. It includes functions and utilities in the form of FTM externals, FTM abstractions and Max abstractions. FTM is a shared library for Max/MSP developed by IRCAM, which provides a small and simple real-time object system and a set of optimized services to be used within Max/MSP externals.

List of FTM Externals: sfa.eig - eigenvalues; sfa.inputcombinations - combination generator; sfa.levinson - levinson-durbin recursion; sfa.lpc2cep - lpc to cepstra conversion; sfa.rastafilt - rasta filter; sfa.rmd - relative mean difference; sfa.roots - polynomial roots;

List of Abstractions: sfa.bark.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from time domain frame;sfa.bark2hz_vect.maxpat - Herts to Bark conversion;sfa.barkspect.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from spectrum; sfa.ceil.maxpat - ceil function; sfa.featfluxgate.maxpat - gated distance on stream of feature vectors; sfa.fft2barkmx.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.bark; sfa.fft2barkmxN.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.barkspect; sfa.hynek_eq_coeff.maxpat - hynek equalization coefficients; sfa.hz2bark.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion; sfa.hz2bark_vect.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion for vectors; sfa.hz2mel.maxpat - Hertz to Mel conversion; sfa.idft_real_coeff.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.rasta-plp; sfa.maxminmem.maxpat - minimum and maximum of a stream of data; sfa.mfcc.maxpat - MFCC coefficients; sfa.modalphafilter.maxpat - 1st order IIR lowpass on a stream of vectors; sfa.nonlinfeqscale.maxpat - linear spectrum to Bark or Mel scale conversion; sfa.rasta-plp.maxpat - PLP and RASTA-PLP coefficients; sfa.spectmoments.maxpat - 4 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness, kurtosis); sfa.3spectmoments+flatness.maxpat - 3 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness) and the spectral flatness; sfa.spectralflux.maxpat - spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.spectralfluxgate.maxpat - gated spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.std.maxpat - standard deviation; sfa.win_to_fft_size.maxpat - smaller FFT size given frame size; sfa.GCemulator.maxpat – 3D gestural controller emulator;
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='88' Ircam Two externals performing score following on soloist performances using Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Suivi is based on FTM and requires the shared library FTMlib for Max/MSP. Both externals use an FTM track object - a sequence of time-tagged FTM values - to store the score of the soloist performance to be followed. Notes, trills and other elements of the score are represented by FTM score objects (FTM scoob class). For the moment, scores can be imported from standard MIDI files only.
An editor for the FTM track class, which will also provide a graphical control interface for the score follower is under development as well as the import of MusicXML files.
The suivi object set is distributed within the IRCAM Forum.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='144'Tom Mays
Olivier Pfeiffer
Renaud Rubiano
tapemovie is a modular software environment for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime (sound, video, 3D, lighting). It has stood the test of numerous productions since 2007, for theater, dance, concert performance and installation - enabling precise control and sequencing of media and their interactions while at the same time allowing connections with multiple peripheral controllers and interfaces. It is programmed with Max/MSP/Jitter and exists as a standalone application (free download), as well as in patch version for advanced users.
Teleo Max Objects for Teleo Introductory Module
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='55' MakingThings LLC This set of software will stand alone for users of the new Teleo Introductory Module
Tristan Externals
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='4'Tristan Jehan FFT-based (optimized for the G4 processor)

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