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St.Unselct Abstraction Helps to get around the annoying problem of a focus on an object stealing keypresses an alike.
Send anything to St.Unselect and it will switch of the focus after the time set by its parameter. A bang will deselect immediatly. The time can also be set with the right inlet. The output has to be connected to a thispatcher object.
switch External Select among alternative inputs, switch between inputs
Select among alternative inputs
switch~ External [switch is currently inoperative in MSP]
tap.auto_thru~ External Signal Routing Utility automatic switch
Essentially an automatic switch, tap.auto_thru~ sends the first inlet's signal thru to the output unless the second inlet has a signal connected to it. If a signal is connected to the 2nd inlet, the first inlet is cut off.
toggle External Switch between on and off (1 and 0)
Toggle has one inlet which accepts int or bang and outputs an int. A bang toggles between 0 and 1. A non-zero int is sent through to the output while setting the toggle on, and 0 outputs a 0 and sets the toggle off.
v.switch External v.switch is a softVNS 2 streams version of switch.
v.switch is a softVNS 2 streams version of switch. It allows you to route one of the incoming streams to the outlet. The various streams received by v.switch do not have to be compatible with each other.
v.switchboard External v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets.
v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets. It can be controlled by the graphical 'matrix controller' provided with Max. Using v.switchboard provides more consistent performance for routing softVNS 2 streams because it manages the v.start and v.stop messages and broken patch-cords consistently. v.switchboard can accept at any inlet, a stream that originates in one of its outlets, though it must pass through another object for MaxMSP to agree to draw the patchcord.
vbapan~ External providing surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments using Vector-Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP)
It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
xj.sw1~ Abstraction audio switch
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