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Crossover External Performs a crossover on 2 Lists of integers
The Crossover object performs a crossover between two lists of integers to create 2 new children Lists. Each parent List is divided into n size segments. According to the crossover probability of each segment, the Crossover function swaps (or not) this segment between Parent A and Parent B.
DIPSSwapBuffer.mxo External External
dot.swap Abstraction Like the swap object, but for symbols and lists too!
Lswap External An object to rearrange lists.
pong~ External for performing modulo arithmetic, as well as foldover or wraparound distortion.
pong either folds or wraps its input within the range of a lo val and a hi val. The optional arguments are . mode 0 is fold, mode 1 is wrap. The default mode is fold. The default range is zero to one. If hi val is greater than lo val, their behavior is swapped. All inlets accept both signals and floats. The mode message may be used to switch between fold and wrap mode. It is useful for performing modulo arithmetic, as well as foldover or wraparound distortion.
St.wap Abstraction Like swap but for any type of input.
swap External Swap left and right inlets to outlets
Swap swaps the values of its inlets, preserving right-to-left ordering. The first outlets (and second inlets) type follow the argument (or is an int if you give no argument.) The second outlets (and first inlets) type is int or float depending on whether you use the name "swap" or "fswap".
swap External Swap left and right inlets to outlets, reverse the sequential order of two numbers
Swap swaps the values of its inlets, preserving right-to-left ordering. The first outlets (and second inlets) type follow the argument (or is an int if you give no argument.) The second outlets (and first inlets) type is int or float depending on whether you use the name "swap" or "fswap".
v.swap External v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap
v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap, designed for synchronizing softVNS 2 streams. It allows you to reverse the processing order of two streams. A frame received in the right inlet is remembered. A frame received in the left inlet outputs immediately through the RIGHT inlet and then the last frame received through the right inlet is output through the the LEFT inlet.
vacancy~ External vacancy~ performs spectral compositing. The threshold controls the compositing and is specified in dB.
vacancy~ performs spectral compositing. The threshold controls the compositing and is specified in dB. Useful values lie in the range from -90 dB to 90 dB. Threshold inversion is available via the invert message. The threshold can also track the current RMS value of of the signal. In RMS tracking mode, the useful threshold range will be somewhat different depending upon the character of the input signals. Phases will be derived from the left input unless phase swapping is specified. In this case phases will be taken from the right input signal when the threshold test is true.
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