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ascii External integers to ascii converter
ascii is the opposite of spell. It converts integers into the equivalent ASCII character. It was written as part of an L-systems application where the single tokens of the grammar where converted to integers for more flexible processing in Max. ascii converts the integers back to characters for viewing end results.
google External spellcheck & search google.com using the google web api
spell External Convert input into a series of ASCII characters
spell takes two optional arguments. The first is a minimum output size. The second is thge ASCII number of a fill character to put between words and at the end of a word if is less than the minimum output. The default minimum is 0 (none), and the default fill character is space (32), to use 0 as a fill character, supply a negative number as a second argument.
St.MidiInport Abstraction Like midiinfo this abstraction will feed with its left outlet a menu with the names of midi devices but it will also set it to the name which comes as parameter.
You do not have to know the complete name it will take also any part of it (I never know how Quicktime Musical Instruments is spelled inside OMS and I don't want to type in those lengthy names which might be there anyway)
St.MidiOutport Abstraction Like omsinfo this abstraction will feed with its left outlet a menu with the names of Midi devices but it will also set it to the name which is set as parameter.
You do not have to know the complete name it will take also any part of it (I never know how Quicktime Musical Instruments is spelled inside OMS and I don't want to type in those lengthy names which might be there anyway)
Vunspell External Vunspell is used to convert a sequence of numbers, representing ASCII characters, into the Max objects that they represent.
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