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aka.shell External Shell command bridge
This object executes UNIX shell commands.
[Note] aka.shell can't get the results on Intel Mac even though it can execute the commands.
DOSHack Javaclass (mxj) Talk to your windows DOS command prompt within max...Could be used as a [shell] for Windows.
Allow the use of system commands like mkdir, DIR c:\\, NETSTAT, reg query, taskkill, SHUTDOWN...
Does (almost) anything DOS would do.

nb : launching executable (.exe) files is now fully provided.
getenv External get environment variables (on mac: abstraction using shell)
jr.dropopen Abstraction abstraction to open files by drag and drop in Mac OS X (requires shell)
jr.kill Abstraction abstraction to kill applications in Mac OS X (requires shell)
shell External unix shell
twitter.post Patch Send twitter updates from max/msp
Send twitter updates to max/msp using cURL and aka.shell. Must have cURL installed. Right inlet takes username and password in this syntax username:password, and left inlet takes the update you want to send.
uconsole.js Javascript (jsui) an interactive console object
uconsole is an interactive console object.
its behavior is similar to a real terminal.
in combination with bill orcutt's shell object, you can have a real terminal inside Max!
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