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seq~ External Signal input event sequencer
seq~ is an event sequencer that is driven by a signal input. seq~ is useful for creating looped sequences that are synced to an audio signal. a phasor~ is most useful for this purpose. the signal should always be between 0. and 1.
sigseq~ External a simple sample accurate sequencer with a synchronized adsr envelope.
stupor External multiple list iterator-- silly sequencer
super-rhythm Abstraction rythm generator
Rhythm model based on a supply of entry delays (ED) which elements are chosen by one of the selection principles alea, series or sequence. According to the index of the chosen ED the chord size and the periodicity (probability of repetition) are calculated. The rubato (in %) determines the statistical deviation from the selected ED.
swap External Swap left and right inlets to outlets, reverse the sequential order of two numbers
Swap swaps the values of its inlets, preserving right-to-left ordering. The first outlets (and second inlets) type follow the argument (or is an int if you give no argument.) The second outlets (and first inlets) type is int or float depending on whether you use the name "swap" or "fswap".
sxformat External Format a system-exclusive MIDI message using expr
sxformat can make it easier to send system-exclusive parameter change messages. It takes as arguments a list of numbers which are sent out sequentially. In addition, you may use one or more "expr"-style statements, which start with the word "is", which will be evaluated, with the result being sent out. "is" statements need to be separated by slashes. The format of sxformat arguments is similar to statements in a "lib" object script.
tapemovie Patch This is a standalone application for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime.
Standalone version - tapemovie is a modular software environment for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime (sound, video, 3D, lighting). It has stood the test of numerous productions since 2007, for theater, dance, concert performance and installation - enabling precise control and sequencing of media and their interactions while at the same time allowing connections with multiple peripheral controllers and interfaces. It is programmed with Max/MSP/Jitter and exists as a standalone application (free download), as well as in patch version for advanced users. tapemovie_lib
techno~ External A signal-driven step sequencer.
timeline External Time-based score of Max messages - sequencer
Score of timed messages for patchers and other objects
timeline.js Javascript (jsui) The timeline is a graphical jsui object in a bpatcher which allows the graphical arrangement of events in time. These events can be edited with the mouse or with messages to the left inlet.
The messages are sent to a reference coll each time they a
Timeline.js works in conjunction with the "timelineBP.maxpat" bpatcher.
All operations are carried out in this bpatcher and
all timeline events are written to a coll inside the bpatcher.

The timeline does not sequence any events.
All it does is to provide a GUI which lets you create and edit events. These events are then written to a coll inside the timeline bpatcher. There's no fixed project length, you can add as many events in a time span as you wish--you just have to set the offset accordingly to see them (use the length message).
The same applies to the number of rows. They are not limited, just select the correct row offset (use the depth message).

There are currently two shortcuts:
"Backspace" will delete the selected elements
"i" will open the inspector for the selected event
Shortcuts only work if mouse is over the timeline-object!

The inspector will let you edit events. If used in conjuction with a pattrstorage, the inspector will grab a pattrstorage client list and display it in a menu.
v.dig External v.dig is the object that digitizes incoming video streams from external sources.
v.dig is the object that digitizes incoming video streams from external sources. It has two modes: vdig mode and seq_grabber mode. seq_grabber mode uses standard QuickTime 'sequence grabber' calls to acquire video. This is the method used in most video editing programs, for example. The problem is that some (especially Formac ProTV) standard driver code has some problems that result in less than optimal softVNS 2 performance. This is the reason for vdig mode. In vdig mode, I use lower level (but usually still Quicktime Standard) calls to acquire video. This gives me more control over some useful aspects of the process. In most cases, vdig mode is better than seq_grabber mode. However, seq_grabber mode does perform better in some instances (XLR8 InterView) and theoretically offers broader compatibility. The preset menu in the v.dig configuration window offers some optimal presets for specific digitizers.
v.m.k Standalone Application virtual midikeyboard
this application lets you simulate a midi keyboard on your computer qwerty keyboard. for laptop-users on the run tired of 'clicking' or 'drawing' their music in midi-sequencers and notation programs. use keys [<] or [>] to change octave and arrow keys left/right for chromatic transposition. the layout is as follows: W E T Y U O P ] A S D F G H J K L ; ' \
v.sequence External v.sequence grabs, imports and plays back sequences of video frames.
v.sequence grabs, imports and plays back sequences of video frames. It can grab frames from a live video stream. It can import quicktime movies. It can import individual still images in many formats. It can export its contents as a quicktime movie. It can export any individual frame as a still image in many formats.
v.status External v.status reports the current processor requirements of various parts of the softVNS system and allows performance tuning.
v.status reports the current processor requirements of various parts of the softVNS system and allows performance tuning. softVNS 2.1 calculates the total processing power required to process all streams at the currently set frame rate. If this amount is larger than the max_percent value, then softVNS ignores a certain number of frames per processed frame so that the actual processing percentage is less than max_percent. This effectively reduces the frame rate of the system. Note that if you are running a very complex MSP patch along with softVNS, and your softVNS streams are not running in overdrive or on quicktime interrupts (i.e. if you are using the v.movie object or v.dig in seq_grabber mode) the processing time reported may be more than it actually is, since other processes using interrupts will add their processing time to softVNS's.
Vassemble External Vector manipulation
Vassemble is used to collect a sequence of numbers that are terminated by one of a set of numbers. The ‘terminator’ numbers are removed from the sequence.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
ajm objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='129'Adam Murray Sequencing, scripting, and more for Max/MSP.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='82' Dspaudio, Inc. Sequencing, Recording and Interface Building for Max/MSP
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='88' Ircam Two externals performing score following on soloist performances using Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Suivi is based on FTM and requires the shared library FTMlib for Max/MSP. Both externals use an FTM track object - a sequence of time-tagged FTM values - to store the score of the soloist performance to be followed. Notes, trills and other elements of the score are represented by FTM score objects (FTM scoob class). For the moment, scores can be imported from standard MIDI files only.
An editor for the FTM track class, which will also provide a graphical control interface for the score follower is under development as well as the import of MusicXML files.
The suivi object set is distributed within the IRCAM Forum.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='144'Tom Mays
Olivier Pfeiffer
Renaud Rubiano
tapemovie is a modular software environment for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime (sound, video, 3D, lighting). It has stood the test of numerous productions since 2007, for theater, dance, concert performance and installation - enabling precise control and sequencing of media and their interactions while at the same time allowing connections with multiple peripheral controllers and interfaces. It is programmed with Max/MSP/Jitter and exists as a standalone application (free download), as well as in patch version for advanced users.

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