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ajm.rseq Javaclass (mxj) rhythmic modular sequencer object
this is a rhytmic extension to ajm.seq
ajm.seq Javaclass (mxj) traverse and manipulate a sequence of numbers, messages, and lists
modular sequencer object that supports note name parsing, chords, and more
16step-seq Abstraction rythmical sequencer
A 16-step sequencer which patterns can be created by random or by supplying a list (see below) - the pattern can be changed gradually by applied operations.
ajm.eval Javaclass (mxj) parse MIDI note names, repetitions, and other syntax used by my ajm.seq & ajm.rseq objects
ajm.midi2coll Abstraction Convert midi files to coll data for sequencing with ajm.metro
This is an abstraction but most of the logic is written in Ruby via ajm.ruby
ajm.rseq2seq External simplifies connecting ajm.rseq to ajm.seq
algo1 External performs probability and cumulative distribution operations to produce a deterministic matrix.
The object is an implementation of a 0th order Markov chain with stochastic and deterministic elements. The left inlet of the object takes input in the form of lists of up to 256 values. The program then performs probability and cumulative distribution operations to produce a deterministic matrix. Then random floating-point numbers are entered into the right inlet. The numbers are sent through a stochastic operation that matches the random number with the previous index, finds a new index based on probability, and outputs the new index. When given random numbers in a rhythmic sequence, it outputs a MIDI stream that can be viewed as a generated score when Max/MSP and a composing program are transmitting on the same internal MIDI bus.
AsyncSerial External Interface with serial devices. Provides improved functionality over the builtin [serial] object.
An external object for Max/MSP on Mac OSX that interfaces with serial devices. This is intended to provide more useful functionality than the built-in [serial] object. Namely, [AsyncSerial] listens for incoming data on a separate thread and spits it out whenever it arrives. It does not need to be polled. This is similar to how UDPReceive works, and thus similar care must be taken when dealing with multithreaded Max-patches. [AsyncSerial] can also have its input buffer flushed, which is necessary when sending commands to a device and awaiting a reply. [AsyncSerial] can also be put in and out of \\\'canonical\\\' input mode, in which data is only spit out once a newline char \\\'\\\\n\\\' is received, which is useful for parsing text-based replies. [AsyncSerial] also allows users to set VMIN and VTIME, as described in the unix manual, sub verbo \\\'termios\\\'. [AsyncSerial] can either output received data as a sequence of bytes, as [serial] does, or as a list of text symbols, which is useful with canonic input processing.
au.sequence External layout frames at stills
au.sequence2 External layout frames as multiple moving images
banger External An object to bang outlets sequentially.
bangseq External sequential banger
changes External changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements.
changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements. When a change is detected, the list seen in the inlet is sent to the outlet and it is remembered for comparison with subsequent lists.
convolve~ External convolve~ is a buffer~ based FIR (finite impulse response) convolution filter. An input signal is convolved with the samples of the buffer. An amplitude treshold can be set for saving processing time. The FIR length is free.
The functionality is similar to the "buffir~" object: a buffer~ is used to hold the FIR that will convolve the signal coming in the first inlet. But convolve~ scans the buffer~ for data above a given amplitude treshold so that the callculation process can be reduced (instead of high dynamic precision.) This faster calculation has as a consequence that the offset and legth of the FIR aren't signal inlets like in buffir~.
ctr.shuffle~ External Read random segments from a buffer~ within a range
ctr.shuffle~ can read different sections of a buffer sequentially, producing a continuously changing result that can be defined by several parameters including playback direction (forward, backward and alternating).
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
ajm objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='129'Adam Murray Sequencing, scripting, and more for Max/MSP.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='82' Dspaudio, Inc. Sequencing, Recording and Interface Building for Max/MSP
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='88' Ircam Two externals performing score following on soloist performances using Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Suivi is based on FTM and requires the shared library FTMlib for Max/MSP. Both externals use an FTM track object - a sequence of time-tagged FTM values - to store the score of the soloist performance to be followed. Notes, trills and other elements of the score are represented by FTM score objects (FTM scoob class). For the moment, scores can be imported from standard MIDI files only.
An editor for the FTM track class, which will also provide a graphical control interface for the score follower is under development as well as the import of MusicXML files.
The suivi object set is distributed within the IRCAM Forum.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='144'Tom Mays
Olivier Pfeiffer
Renaud Rubiano
tapemovie is a modular software environment for controlling, processing, and analyzing various media in realtime (sound, video, 3D, lighting). It has stood the test of numerous productions since 2007, for theater, dance, concert performance and installation - enabling precise control and sequencing of media and their interactions while at the same time allowing connections with multiple peripheral controllers and interfaces. It is programmed with Max/MSP/Jitter and exists as a standalone application (free download), as well as in patch version for advanced users.

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