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sadam.lzo External Loseless data compression and decompression using the LZO library.
sadam.lzo will compress and decompress loselessly any arbitrary message you send it. The behaviour (compressor/decompressor) is set by the first argument. The compressed result is a single message that may contain any ASCII value (except 0), so caution should be taken, specially if the result is used outside the native Max world (for example if you pass it to MXJ or you plan to store it in a file on the file system). For these cases you might find useful to encode the result with sadam.base64.
sadam.tcpClient External Bidirectional TCP client.
sadam.tcpClient will open a TCP connection to a specified IPv4 address on a specified port and will send and receive arbitrary information through this connection. Currently it is only able to manage binary data (either by sending bytes directly to the object or by registering it to a binary stream represented by sadam.stream) but in a later release it will support any arbitrary Max message.
sadam.tcpReceiver External Receive data from the network using the TCP protocol.
sadam.tcpReceiver will listen to a specified port and output incoming data. Currently it will output everything as pure binary data (by sending out the received bytes one-by-one on the leftmost outlet and, optionally, by adding them to the registered binary streams represented by sadam.stream) but a later release will support any arbitrary Max message.
sadam.tcpSender External Send data through the network using the TCP protocol.
sadam.tcpSender will send data to a specified IPv4 address on a specified port. Currently it is only able to send binary data (either by sending bytes directly to the object or by registering it to a binary stream represented by sadam.stream) but in a later release it will support any arbitrary Max message. The connection is not kept alive, instead, it is opened each time a message is being sent and closed just afterwards. This makes sure that the underlying operating system would send the messages instantaneously.
sadam.udpReceiver External Receive data from the network using the UDP protocol.
sadam.udpReceiver will listen to a specified port and output incoming data. Currently it will output everything as pure binary data (by sending out the received bytes one-by-one on the leftmost outlet and, optionally, by adding them to the registered binary streams represented by sadam.stream) but a later release will support any arbitrary Max message.
sadam.udpSender External Send data through the network using the UDP protocol.
sadam.udpSender will send data to a specified IPv4 address on a specified port. Currently it is only able to send binary data (either by sending bytes directly to the object or by registering it to a binary stream represented by sadam.stream) but in a later release it will support any arbitrary Max message.
scale-changer Abstraction scale changer
Changes one single pitch of a given scale whenever you send a bang to the left inlet. A start scale must be sent to the right inlet frist - note its special format: a list of size 12 consisting only of 0 and 1 where 1 means an active pitch class and 0 a inactive one.
schweller Abstraction decrescendo-crescendo envelopes generator
Generates a transition between a start velocity, a middle velocity and an end velocity (which the same as start velocity). By this you can create crescendo-decrescendo resp. decrescendo-crescendo envelopes ("hairpins" - in german: "Schweller"). A fraction factor (float between 0 and 1) send in the mostright inlet determines the proportion between cresceno and decrescendo part.
scope Patch a utillity patcher using msp`s scope~ object and joshua kit claytons peak~ object.
a utillity patcher using msp`s scope~ object and joshua kit claytons peak~ object. it has an auto-range feature which automatically adjusts Input Gain, Offset, and Trigger Level. This feature can also be triggerd manually by pressing the bang buttom while the auto mode is set to AutoOFF. scope ( and scope~ ...) works well with frequencies between 1 hz and ~ 500 Hz. Lower Frequencies take too long to update, while higher frequencies do not look like you`d expect... scope's audio input can be accessed by using \"send~ scope\" from any patcher.
Seed External allows you to set or save the random seed.
An integer at the inlet sets the seed just like all of the other objects in this group. A bang sends the current value of the seed to the outlet. Saving the output and using the saved seed to reseed the random number generator allows you to resume a sequence of random numbers after interruption by another process.
select External Select certain inputs, pass the rest on
Send bang out an outlet that matches the input. Select checks incoming ints, floats, or symbols against internal value(s). If only one value is given, you get an inlet to reset it. There is a reject outlet which gives you the number back if all the tests fail.
selector~ External Switch output among several input signals
Switch output among several input signals. The selector~ object is a version of the Max switch object for signals. It takes an argument for number of inputs (one is the default) and lets you turn incoming signals on and off by sending an int to its left inlet. If there is more than one input, selector~ shuts off all inputs except the one you select, where 1 selects the input to the right of the leftmost inlet, 2 selects the next one to the right, etc. selector~ can also control the activation or deactivation of part of a signal processing network. For an example, see the begin~ help file. Note: "shutting off" a signal means disconnecting it from gate's output and outputting a zero signal instead. This is different from the behavior of the Max switch object.
selX External An enhanced “sel” object,
An enhanced “sel” object, with the capacity for more arguments, and the fact that you can change any or all of them on the fly with messages.  Furthermore, it can bang (like sel), or send the items themselves.
send External Send messages without patch cords
The send and receive objects allow you to send any kind of message between Patcher windows or within a window without using patch cords. The order of reception by two or more receive objects is not deterministic.
sends~ Abstraction Multiple [send] with setable parameter.
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lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

4855 objects and 135 libraries within the database Last entries : December 23rd, 2023 Last comments : 0 0 visitor and 92414100 members connected RSS
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