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p4mat External format messages for pattrforward
format messages for pattrforward, managing "send prefix" messages to pattrforward.
past External Report when input increases beyond a certain number
Sends a bang when a number of list of numbers rises above a certain value
pattrforward External send any message to a named object anywhere in the patcher hierarchy
PDOSCClient Javaclass (mxj) Object for mxj and pdj to provide a bi-directional OSC client.
Allows to send and receive from the same socket. Supports the OSC 1.0 type tags, bundles, and both UDP and TCP transport. Supercedes older UDPOSCPort object.
piece Abstraction list based object
Outputs the elements between a start.index ("from") and an end.index ("to") from a numerical list send to the leftmost inlet before.
plinko Javaclass (mxj) plinko takes a bang, int, float, list, or any other type of message and sends it out a random outlet.
a list of floats, between 0. and 1. in ascending order, to define the probability of the input coming out each outlet
plugmidiout External Send MIDI messages to a plug-in host (pluggo)
plugmidiout accepts raw MIDI bytes (like midiout) and sends them to the plug-in host. What happens to them after that is up to the host.
plugreceive~ External Receive a signal from another plug-in
Receive a signal from another plug-in. plugreceive~ outputs a signal received from a plugsend~. You can use plugreceive~ to send audio between different DSP chains in a multiple plug-in environment. There can be any number of plugreceive~ objects for each plugsend~, and any number of plugsend~ object add their signals to the "bus" read by plugreceive~.
plugsend~ External Send a signal from one plug-in to another
Send a signal from one plug-in to another. plugsend~ is similar to send~ except it works for sending audio between different DSP chains. Like send~, multiple plugsend~ objects with the same name add their signals together. plugsend~ is, however, less efficient than send~ within a single DSP chain.
pmpd.mass External 1D mass. This object's inlet need forces (float), and outlet it's position (float). All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia.
ÒmassÓ objects react like a point mass. It takes forces at its input, and output its position. It move according to the Newtonian dynamics: ·F = m ?. ÒmassÓ objects got inertia, but they are punctual (they can not rotate). For each time iteration, they make the summation of forces apply to their inlet to know the acceleration to have (positive or negative).
pmpd.mass2D External 2D mass.
This object's inlet need forces, and outlet it's position. All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia. This is like the 1D object, but forces / displacement append in 2D.
pmpd.mass3D External 3D mass (a mass which can move in 3 dimension)
All forces send to it's inlet are add together. A bang allow the mass to compute it's new position, and to output it. The mass can move due to it's inertia. This is like the 3D object, but forces and displacement append in 3D.
poly External Allocate notes to different voices, polyphonic voice allocation
Poly does polyphonic voice allocation. The one here has only two voices for the sake of clarity. The notes you send are repeated to the outlets only if a voice was found for them. The right outlet passes through any notes over the maximum number of voices allowed. If a second argument is given, poly implements voice stealing, and the overflow outlet goes away.
polyout External Send MIDI polyphonic key pressure messages
pvar External Connect to a named object in a patcher ; send receive
pvar lets you build user interfaces in one part of your patcher that are connected to the "process" part in another part of the patcher. pvar does not work globally (as send and receive do). The pvar object and its associated object must be in the same patcher.
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lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

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