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St.Unselct Abstraction Helps to get around the annoying problem of a focus on an object stealing keypresses an alike.
Send anything to St.Unselect and it will switch of the focus after the time set by its parameter. A bang will deselect immediatly. The time can also be set with the right inlet. The output has to be connected to a thispatcher object.
super-rhythm Abstraction rythm generator
Rhythm model based on a supply of entry delays (ED) which elements are chosen by one of the selection principles alea, series or sequence. According to the index of the chosen ED the chord size and the periodicity (probability of repetition) are calculated. The rubato (in %) determines the statistical deviation from the selected ED.
swatch External a color swatch for RGB color selection and display
Color swatch for RGB color selection and display
switch External Select among alternative inputs, switch between inputs
Select among alternative inputs
tap.sieve External test select int
Int in the left inlet is tested against the argument or number at the right inlet.
tiCmd External Interface between the timeline and its action patchers
The tiCmd object receives messages from the timeline and passes them to a patcher which is serving as an action. It is analogous to an inlet object (but note that inlet objects do not work with the timeline). It takes the following arguments: first, a message selector which is a symbol that serves to identify the tiCmd object. The selector is followed by any number of arguments that to specify the expected types in the message. Each type specifier argument produces an outlet in the tiCmd object. If a type in the message contained in the timeline is different than what is specified in the tiCmd object, tiCmd tries to convert it. If it doesn't exist, there will be no output at the corresponding outlet. In addition, there are two outlets which send the message bang, the leftmost (triggered after the argument outlets have fired) and the rightmost (triggered when time passes the right edge of the message box in the timeline track).
timeline.js Javascript (jsui) The timeline is a graphical jsui object in a bpatcher which allows the graphical arrangement of events in time. These events can be edited with the mouse or with messages to the left inlet.
The messages are sent to a reference coll each time they a
Timeline.js works in conjunction with the "timelineBP.maxpat" bpatcher.
All operations are carried out in this bpatcher and
all timeline events are written to a coll inside the bpatcher.

The timeline does not sequence any events.
All it does is to provide a GUI which lets you create and edit events. These events are then written to a coll inside the timeline bpatcher. There's no fixed project length, you can add as many events in a time span as you wish--you just have to set the offset accordingly to see them (use the length message).
The same applies to the number of rows. They are not limited, just select the correct row offset (use the depth message).

There are currently two shortcuts:
"Backspace" will delete the selected elements
"i" will open the inspector for the selected event
Shortcuts only work if mouse is over the timeline-object!

The inspector will let you edit events. If used in conjuction with a pattrstorage, the inspector will grab a pattrstorage client list and display it in a menu.
tintin External selects random values / stores them / outputs them randomly or algorithmically
v.qteffects External v.qteffects is a simple wrapper for standard Quicktime effects
v.qteffects is a simple wrapper for standard Quicktime effects It does not yet allow effect descriptions to be saved in the patch. To modify the effect settings, double-click on the v.qteffects object box or choose Get Info with the v.qteffects object selected. If you use Get Info, you are first offered the chance to choose the effect from a menu before setting effect parameters. If you double-click, you will not see the effect selection menu and will go straight to the effect parameters.
v001.lighttunnel External Circular rays effect. Circular rays with selectable origin and scale.
xj.loop1~ Abstraction soundfile looper with offset selector
xj.outmap1 Abstraction : output format selector
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