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cv.jit.canny External Extract binary edges from a greyscale image.
cv.jit.dilate External This will make shapes fatter and although it will make noise all the more noticeable
In binary mode, a pixel will be marked ON if any of its neighbours is ON. This will make shapes fatter and although it will make noise all the more noticeable, it is a good way to get rid of small holes in an image. In greyscale mode, however, each pixel is given the maximum value of the pixels around it. You can toggle between both mode using the "greyscale", or "grayscale" attribute followed by a 0, or a 1. You can also change the shape of the neighbourhood with the "mode" attribute. Mode 0 uses 8 neighbours, and mode 1 uses 4 neighbours forming a cross.
cv.jit.erode External This operation does somewhat the opposite of "dilate".
This operation does somewhat the opposite of "dilate". In binary mode, a pixel will stay ON only if all of its neighbours are also on. This can be a good way to get rid of noise but will also make your shapes thinner and holes wider. In greyscale mode, a pixel will get the minimum value of its neighbours. "Greyscale" and "mode" attributes function as for cv.jit.dilate.
cv.jit.lines External Finds straight lines in a greyscale image.
cv.jit.touches Abstraction Track greyscale/binary image regions.
cv.jit.touches uses the meanshift algorithm to track blobs in a greyscale or binary image. The object was designed to be used in the context of multi-touch interfaces (hence the name) but it can also be used in other situations, such as overhead tracking of people in a space.
Cyclops External Analyzing and tracking live video
Cyclops is a Max object for analyzing and tracking live video. Through a simple interface, you can track performers and users with a video camera and analyze greyscale and color information from the live image. You can use the resulting Cyclops data to control MIDI, audio, video and anything else that you can do in Max.
db1 Abstraction converts an integer slider to a "handy decibel scale".
This utility converts an integer slider to a "handy decibel scale". A value of 127 outputs a value of 0 dB, while 157 outputs +18 dB. An input of 0 gives a result of -¥ dB, (represented by the number -9999).
DCVGrayscale.mxo External External
ddg.velamp External a handy velocity-scaled AR envelope
a utility patcher (written entirely in Max 4 and MSP 2) that\'s a handy velocity-scaled AR envelope. While it\'s not necessarily the perfect thing for any occasion, it is easily modified (try changing the line~ to a curve, or alter the velocity scaling) and is too useful for the hundreds of times you will need this type of object. This was developed for the MSP Synth-building Tutorials on CreativeSynth.com
DfxLanczosScaleTransform.maxpat External Abstraction
DGLScale.mxo External External
DlibScale.maxpat External Abstraction
dot.autoscale Abstraction Rescales numbers according to auto-detected maximum and minimum values.
dot.autoscale~ Abstraction Automatically scale incoming signal to a defined output-range.
dot.dynamicexpression Abstraction User-definable expr-based scaling with autoscale.
User-definable expr-based scaling with autoscale.
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KN-Lib 2.7
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='109'Roland Cahen KN-Lib is a collection of everyday abstraction tools. It contains mouse and keyboards facilities, converters, calculation, random, interval and scale generators, midi utilities...etc

(The old version is no longer available.
If necessary it can be downloades at :
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='138'Roland Cahen KN-Lib 2.8 is a collection of everyday abstraction tools. It contains mouse and keyboards facilities, converters, calculation, random, interval and scale generators, midi utilities...etc
Most of them are finished, a few are in progress.
Modal Object Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='110'V.j. Manzo The Modal Object Library is a collection of objects for Max/MSP that control modality.

Included are objects for all 28 diatonic modes (scales), the Messiaen modes, chords, triads, progressions, modal relationships and modal analysis. This library would be especially useful to those interested in algorithmic composition and interactive music systems.

Free registration is required. Registration forum offers patches, and objects based on this library.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com/mol | www.vincemanzo.com
SFA Max/MSP Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='172'Stefano Fasciani The SFA-MaxLib is a collection of Max/MSP objects developed in the context of the VCI4DMI. It includes functions and utilities in the form of FTM externals, FTM abstractions and Max abstractions. FTM is a shared library for Max/MSP developed by IRCAM, which provides a small and simple real-time object system and a set of optimized services to be used within Max/MSP externals.

List of FTM Externals: sfa.eig - eigenvalues; sfa.inputcombinations - combination generator; sfa.levinson - levinson-durbin recursion; sfa.lpc2cep - lpc to cepstra conversion; sfa.rastafilt - rasta filter; sfa.rmd - relative mean difference; sfa.roots - polynomial roots;

List of Abstractions: sfa.bark.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from time domain frame;sfa.bark2hz_vect.maxpat - Herts to Bark conversion;sfa.barkspect.maxpat - energy of the Bark bands from spectrum; sfa.ceil.maxpat - ceil function; sfa.featfluxgate.maxpat - gated distance on stream of feature vectors; sfa.fft2barkmx.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.bark; sfa.fft2barkmxN.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.barkspect; sfa.hynek_eq_coeff.maxpat - hynek equalization coefficients; sfa.hz2bark.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion; sfa.hz2bark_vect.maxpat - Hertz to Bark conversion for vectors; sfa.hz2mel.maxpat - Hertz to Mel conversion; sfa.idft_real_coeff.maxpat - utility sub-abstraction of sfa.rasta-plp; sfa.maxminmem.maxpat - minimum and maximum of a stream of data; sfa.mfcc.maxpat - MFCC coefficients; sfa.modalphafilter.maxpat - 1st order IIR lowpass on a stream of vectors; sfa.nonlinfeqscale.maxpat - linear spectrum to Bark or Mel scale conversion; sfa.rasta-plp.maxpat - PLP and RASTA-PLP coefficients; sfa.spectmoments.maxpat - 4 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness, kurtosis); sfa.3spectmoments+flatness.maxpat - 3 spectral moments (centroid, deviation, skewness) and the spectral flatness; sfa.spectralflux.maxpat - spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.spectralfluxgate.maxpat - gated spectral flux on stream of spectrum vectors; sfa.std.maxpat - standard deviation; sfa.win_to_fft_size.maxpat - smaller FFT size given frame size; sfa.GCemulator.maxpat – 3D gestural controller emulator;

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