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play2 Abstraction Plays a note whenever a key number is sent to the left inlet.
Plays a note whenever a key number is sent to the left inlet. The other parameters (velocity and duration) are optional and can change at any time. - Routes the MIDI-out either to specified serial port (argument: 0) or to the built-in MIDI-synthesizer of QuickTime 2.x (argument 1).

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reroute External Integer re-router: Reroutes 8 integer streams to any of up to 32 outlets.
roudone Abstraction Like [route done], but will prevent from passing the 'done' message if loadbangs are not fireing by cmd-shift loading.
route External Selectively pass the input out a specific outlet
route takes a message and tries to match its first argument to route's own arguments. The rightmost outlet passes any message that matched no other choice, so you may gang routes to get more choices.
route# Abstraction To prevent #x arguments to be fired when you edit the original but still rotes it to an extra outlet.
routeall External route that passes everything
router External matrixctrl-compatible Max message router
router is a Max object which lets you patch multiple sources of Max data to multiple destinations dynamically (sort of like a series of nested switches and gates). It is designed to work best with the matrixctrl user-interface object, and uses a syntax equivalent to the MSP matrix~ object.
router External A matrixctrl-compatible Max message router.
Routestrings External parse and route a symbol
sadam.split External Split incoming number sequence.
sadam.split will route numbers to different outlets according to a set of ranges. These ranges are defined by breakpoints which can either be set as arguments to the object or changed on-the-fly. Numbers that wouldn't match any range will be sent out the leftmost (rightmost) outlet if they are lower (higher) than the lowest (highest) breakpoint.
searchtweet Javaclass (mxj) Returns a specified number of most recent twitter posts that contain a given keyword, #hashtag, or @usertag.
Searchtweet.class is a mxj external that searches Twitter with a given keyword and returns a desired maximum number of most recent posts, with username, date and twitter text body routed to separate outlets. Searchtweet uses twitter4j library (http://twitter4j.org) programmed by Yusuke Yamamoto.
spigot~ External Route QT and SoundManager audio into MSP
The spigot~ object creates a sound output component whose output is routed into MSP. The jit.qt.movie object can be set to play it's audio through and instance of spigot~ using the message soc spigot-name. Multiple jit.qt.movie objects can use multiple spigot~ objects with differing names, or they may share a single spigot~ object, in which case their audio will be summed. Other applications which support manual selection of sound output components(e.g. Peak), may also be set to route their audio to the spigot~ object by selecting the appropriate component in the application's sound output menu. This requires that the spigot~ object exists prior to selecting it in another application.
splitXchan External Easily route notes and controllers by channel or ranges of channels without unpacking the lists
Easily route notes and controllers by channel or ranges of channels without unpacking the lists; turn channels on/off, etc. Hookup directly to noteins, etc.
St.DblRoute Abstraction route anything to the middle outlet when it receives in a certain time (default 300 ms) otherwise it will send it to the left outlet.
tm.bankinfo Abstraction Used to get timing and cue info from a playbank once it binds to a cue.
Use a route to get the cue number and time cue has been active.
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