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imp.dmx.artnetin Abstraction "imp.dmx.artnetin receives DMX data broadcast using the Art-Net UDP networking protocol. It cannot receive data which is sent using the newer unicast mode. The first argument sets the Art-Net subnet (0-15) and the second the Art-Net universe (0-15).
When a packet is received, it is decoded, and sent out the left outlet as a list of ints. This can be directly connected to an imp.dmx.write object as a method by which to bring an external DMX source into jitter. Additional information about the received packet is sent out the right outlet.

NOTE: This abstraction uses an external java object. The .java and .class files for this object are included in the imp.dmx package. If this object cannot be found check the files are included in your search path.

NOTE FOR USING MULTIPLE COPIES OF THE OBJECT: The raw byte data received over UDP by imp.dmx.artnetin is sent via a Max send object using the name 'imp.dmx.artnetraw'. This is done to allow multiple copies of imp.dmx.artnetin to receive data. The first copy of the object to be created will bind to the port, and will then send data to all other copies, which will fail to bind."
imp.dmx.defix Abstraction imp.dmx takes a list of channel/value pairs (prefixed list) and outputs a full universe of DMX in a list of consecutive values by placing the received values in the outputted list at the location specified by their channel address.
jcom.post Abstraction post messages to the max/status window
This abstraction acts as a replacement for Max's standard 'print' object. The benefit of using jmod.post is that it not only posts to the Max window, but also sends the messages to a receive object so you can further process or handle messages if you like
jcom.pp Abstraction utility for interfacing jamoma with pluggo
The jmod.pp is an abstraction that contains a standard pp object as well as send and receive objects for communicating with remote patches - such as Jamoma modules. You can use it in place of the standard pp object.
jcom.thru~ Abstraction a simple utilty for breaking feedback loops
It breaks the illegal feedback loop by using a private send~ and receive~ object. Without it, the audio would be killed in a patch like this.
jit.change External Only pass different frames
The jit.change object calculates the number of cells in which the current matrix differs from the previously received matrix, and based on this difference either passes the matrix or not. In mode 0 (default), the matrix is passed if the difference is greater than the specified threshold, otherwise not. In mode 1, the matrix is passed if the difference is less than the specified threshold, otherwise not. This object is particularly useful for reducing the density of dataflow and for motion tracking applications.
jit.fill External Fill a matrix with a list
The jit.fill object fills one plane of a named matrix with the values of a list received in its left inlet. The offset and plane attributes determine the cells to be filled. Upon completion, the jit.fill object sends a bang message out its left outlet.
jit.net.recv External receive matrix data over the network
Receive matrices from a jit.net.send object via TCP/IP
jit.qball External Convert messages at scheduler time to low priority
The jit.qball object places all messages received at scheduler time in the low priority queueö‘even if overdrive is turned off. This is useful for event synchronization and/or graceful data rate reduction (e.g. drop video frames, or drawing commands in the event that they may not be rendered as fast as requested).
jit.repos External Reposition spatially
The jit.repos object performs cell positioning on an input matrix received in its left inlet using the input from a second input matrix received in its right Inlet as a spatial map. The spatial map should be a 2 plane matrix, where plane 0 specifies the x offset and plane 1 specifies the y offset. You can do Fractional repositioning by setting the interpbits attribute to a non-zero value -- the spatial map values are considered to be fixed point values with a fractional component of interpbits.
jr.allint Abstraction Step through all numbers given in the range of the two latest received integers
Korgnano External Korgnano is a software implementation of the Korg nanoKontrol USB controller.
The object connects your hardware nanoKontrol to Max and automatically ports the data to korgnano.inputmenu objects, or specially named receive objects that you can create yourself. (e.g. receive scene1_ch9_btn2)
Lbuildset External Sets specified members of a list to stored value.
Sets specified members of a list to stored value. In other words: [0 2 5] is transformed to [1 0 1 0 0 1]. This is cumulative so [1 4] would change the list to [1 1 1 0 1 1]. The list is not output until a bang is received.
listType External listType returns a numeric code corresponding to the value it receives.
Llast External Produces a list of the last n items received.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='112' Jasch
Eric Singer
Wesley Smith
Based on Simon Fraser's implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boids algorithm.
Boids is free for non-commercial use.

Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator. It is based on the same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for the herding dinosaurs.
Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of boids. Each time Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the new positions of the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes for each boid, the number and type depending on the mode.

The flight parameters can be changed with messages. Use the 'dump' message to output a list of the current parameter settings.

For more information about the Boids algorithm, see Craig Reynolds' Web site at "http://reality.sgi.com/employees/craig/boids.html".
lh_midi objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='151'Leigh Hunt These objects can be utilised to send and receive all types of midi data to and from a max4live device.

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