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randGenBP Module a random note generator for testing player modules
random External Generate a random number
random arpeggiator Patch If you play a chord on your MIDI device, this patch will randomly play one note at a time from the chord at a specified tempo.
Random-Delay Abstraction calculates a random delay
random-norep Abstraction random based object
Outputs random numbers without direct (= immediate) repetitions.
random-pan~ Abstraction random pan
A mono signal send into the left inlet is turned into a pseudo-stereo signal by applying a slight time-variant delay. The strength of this effect can be controlled by the strength parameter sent to the rightmost inlet (a float between 0 and 1) - this parameter is also the function's argument.
random-ramp Abstraction Generates randomly fluctuating envelope shapes of a given dynamic scale
Generates randomly fluctuating envelope shapes of a given dynamic scale (defined by a min and a max velocity and a certain number of values) within a time scale (defined by a min and a max ramp time and a certain number of values). A rhythm bang set to the left inlet outputs a velocity value. A stop message sent to the same inlet will stop the whole process.
random-row Abstraction random and dodecaphonic based object
Generates a twelve-tone row by random. The elements of the row range from 0 to 11.
randomF / randF External Generate a random float
RandomSeeder Abstraction random based object
Sends out a global message called "RTC-rs" to all RTC random based objects.
random_pitch+rhythm Patch note generator with random pitch and rhythm synced to bpm of Live set.
note generator with random pitch and rhythm synced to bpm of Live set.
random~ External audio rate random number generator
rand_dist_list~ External arbitrary distribution random signal generator
arbitrary distribution random signal generator
rand~ External Generate a band-limited random signal.
Generate a band-limited random signal. rand generates a signal consisting of random values between -1 and 1 generated at a frequency specified by its input. It interpolates linearly between these values.
Real-time Granular Time Expander/Contractor Patch acts on audio from a microphone or a prerecorded segment
acts on audio from a microphone or a prerecorded segment (through the \'Granularize Window\'). It allows for 16 separate transpositions of the audio in cents and/or random units and outputs them over 2, 4, or 8 output channels.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
KN-Lib 2.7
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='109'Roland Cahen KN-Lib is a collection of everyday abstraction tools. It contains mouse and keyboards facilities, converters, calculation, random, interval and scale generators, midi utilities...etc

(The old version is no longer available.
If necessary it can be downloades at :
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='138'Roland Cahen KN-Lib 2.8 is a collection of everyday abstraction tools. It contains mouse and keyboards facilities, converters, calculation, random, interval and scale generators, midi utilities...etc
Most of them are finished, a few are in progress.
Litter Power Pro Package
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='54'Peter Castine The Litter Power package consists of over 60 external objects, including a number of new MSP noise sources, externals that produce values from a wide variety of random number distributions, and externals for mutation and cross-synthesis.
Litter Power Starter Package
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='53'Peter Castine The Litter Power Starter Pack consists of about two dozen external objects, including a number of new MSP noise sources, a wide variety of random number distributions, time-domain mutation, and several very useful utilities.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='96'Carl Faia MaxAlea contains various objects for random distributions and functions. MaxAlea was begun as a Max port of an existing PatchWork Library created in 1991-2 by Mikhail Malt. While the distributions and functions found in MaxAlea are similar to those found in the Patchwork version ,there are many differences in their functioning. The environment of Patchwork is static and is not designed for real-time work. Part of the incentive for creating these objects to work with Max was to have a dynamic and real-time environment with which to experiment and work with these algorithms in a manner as simple and straightforward as possible. One can change variables and manipulate the output in many ways in real-time. There are several different versions of the various stochastic models/processes best presented in the now classic references by Denis Lorrain and Charles Dodge. Carl Faia has used a variety of sources for the creation of this library which include the Lorrain, Dodge and Malt implementations as well as sources found on the WorldWideWeb. The externals found in the package include several random distributions, examples of random walks and 1/f noise algorithms, as well as one or two utilities written specifically for the MaxAlea library. Carl Faia wanted to make a coherent collection (as he thought Malt had managed to do in PatchWork) of these various algorithms and provide an interface easily accessible using the Max environment for real-time control. All these algorithms have been created using a seeded version of the random function found in the standard AINSI library. That is, each time the function is first run there will always be a different set of random numbers (unlike the random funtions found in Max, PatchWork and other versions of random number generators).
Random Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='78'Gary Lee Nelson These are the collections of seedable random number generators that I wrote sometime in the early 1990's. These classic, OSX and Windows ports are thanks to Jeremy Bernste
vRand abstractions
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='77'Gary Lee Nelson These new objects assume that you have downloaded and installed one of the the externals from the Random Objects library. There are OS9, OSX and PC versions. (Thanks again to Jeremy Bernstein.) I have not tested these new abstractions in OS 9 or Windows and would appreciate hearing from anyone you can verify that they work.

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