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MaxLink Javaclass (mxj) The MaxLink java libraries enable communication between Processing and Max/MSP 4.5 on both Mac and Windows.
Version 0.35 is available for download. It provides basic support for sending and receiving messages between Processing and Max, a Max object for launching Processing sketches, and some tools for creative networking.

MaxLink works by multicasting UDP messages over the local subnet. It uses a specific namespace protocol to match the inlets and outlets of Max objects with declared inputs and outputs of a Java processes (including Processing sketches).

Several simple examples are included in the download package. It only takes a few lines of code to get your Processing sketch talking to Max.
mdegranular~ External Object for multi-channel, multi-voice, multi-transposition granular synthesis with live-input and many features.
This object performs time granulation of sampled sound in real-time.

Input in the form of a fixed, pre-recorded sample buffer or an incoming signal of user-specified length is used to randomly select segments of sound (grains) whose durations (grain length) may be modified on-the-fly. These grains are (amplitude-) enveloped and reconfigured each time one comes to an end.

The granulation is performed in a user-specified number of streams (also known as (aka) voices or layers): the more streams, the denser and thicker but also the smoother the effect. An increase in streams also implies an increase in processing time and is the main factor affecting real-time performance.

The streams may be subject to transposition whereby a list of semitone values sent to the object forms the set from which a randomly-chosen value is selected for each grain of sound output by the object.

Finally, each grain is routed to a randomly-chosen outlet (the number of which is also user specified) allowing mapping onto an arbitrary number of output channels.
metro External Metronome that outputs bangs
Metro takes one optional argument which is the metronome time in milliseconds. The left inlet takes int which starts it with a non-zero value and stops it with the value zero. The right inlet takes int to change the metronome speed. The outlet sends bang.
microtuner External Versatile MIDI-to-frequency converter for microtonal synths, can read mtx tuning files (version 1.1).
Evolution of the mtx_loader object, microtuner is a Max object that can be used as a variable mtof (MIDI-to-frequency converter), capable of reading mtx tuning text files (native format of Max Magic Microtuner). It is endowed with three modulation range outlet couples that can be used to control scale-relative pitch bend and modulation with microtonal precision (so that the upper and lower limits for the pitch bend wheel, for instance, will be actual tones of the microtonal scale).
midiinfo External Set a pop-up menu with current names of MIDI devices
When midiinfo receives a bang or int in its left inlet, it sends a series of messages which will set up a pop-up menu to a list of MIDI output devices. If you check "Evaluate Item Text" in the pop-up menu dialog, you can connect the right outlet of the menu to a MIDI output object to select MIDI devices by name. A number in midiinfo's right inlet creates a list of MIDI input devices.
Modal Analysis External The Modal Analysis object analyzes notes played during a user specified window of time and tells what mode you're playing in.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_analysis object takes incoming notes in its left inlet and determines in what mode and tonic you’re playing when a bang is sent to its right inlet. The object attempts to filter out repetitions and organize notes to infer a mode. Double clicking the object will reveal a window similar to that of the modal change object which shows the mode as well as the scale degree distances that make up the scale and the particular mode’s context within the larger pitch collection.
The ordered scale degrees are output as a list from the objects left outlet and the scale degree distances are output from its second outlet.
The modal analysis+ object does everything modal_analysis does, but is also set to integrate with the modal change object to trigger a new mode change when a mode is analyzed. A user could conceivably play a scale, have it analyzed and then generate chords from that scale in real-time.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
Modal Change External The Modal Change object is a compositional algorithm to control modality. It outputs scale degrees and creates tables and lists that adhere to one of the 7 modes.

created by V.J. Manzo
The Modal Change object allows a user to specify a tonic and diatonic mode in its two inlets and get the pitch class value of each scale degree out its eight outlets. A user can send a pitch class number or a letter name message to its left inlet to set the tonic. A message box with a mode name such as major, minor, Phrygian, Lydian b7, can be sent to the right inlet to build up a scale from the given tonic. The object will output the scale degrees for any tonic within the modes of the major scale, the melodic minor scale, the harmonic minor scale, and the harmonic major scale (the major scale with flatted 6). Instead of using one of the mode names to build a scale, a user can also send a message with the number of whole steps and half steps desired to build their scale, and receive the scale degree pitch classes from its outlets.
Double clicking the object will open a display that allows the user to see what mode they’re in and other information related to the mode including scale degree distances that make up the scale and the particular mode’s context within the larger pitch collection.
The object can receive all of the organized pitch class data into a table or by using an internal table with the argument table1.
The object can also receive the organized pitch class data into a coll list or by using an internal coll list with the argument scale. The coll list also has an added feature: it will take any incoming pitch and filter it to the nearest note from the selected scale.
This allows you to set the tonic and mode, and filter all incoming pitch data so that whatever note is played, it will conform to the diatonic pitch collection you’ve selected.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
Modal Triad External The Modal_Triad object generates chords in root position or inversions. It takes traditional chord names, chord function numbers, Roman numerals, tonicizations, etc. It even takes altered chords like Ebdom7b9#11.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal triad object allows a user to play tertian chords of any quality. It receives scale data from the modal_change object and, when a tonic and mode is selected, the object receives the numbers 1-8 in its leftmost inlet to output the notes of the chord function associated with that number. For example, in major keys, the numbers 1, 4 and 5 are always major chords, 2, 3, and 6 are minor, so, if C Major is selected, a 2 sent to the modal_triad object will yield the notes of a d minor chord.
For each selected chord, the notes of that chord are sent to the object’s 7 outlets in the following order: root, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, thirteenth. Alterations like flat ninth or sharp eleventh are inferred by the chord function as it relates to the selected tonic and mode.
The second inlet of the object allows the chord tones, received as pitch classes, to be restricted to one octave.
The object also takes Roman numeral functions to yield chords. The standard capital Roman numerals for major, lower case Roman numerals for minor are used. A lower case Roman numeral iv in the key of C Major will yield an F minor chord regardless of the fact that chord has non-diatonic chord tones in it, the Ab.

A capital Roman numeral with a plus sign next to it will yield an augmented chord, and a lowercase Roman numeral with a zero next to it will yield a diminished chord.
In the same manner, a user can use letter names to build chords. A capital C will yield a C Major chord while a lower case e will yield an e minor chord. A capital C plus will yield an augmented chord and a lower case d zero will yield a d diminished chord.
(set to C Major)
This object also receives messages for tonicizations. A user can send the message Roman numeral V/5, to yield the 5 of 5 (a D Major chord in the key of C Major). The V Chord Tonicizations produce a Dominant 7th chord for each scale degree in the selected mode. That is, the root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th will form a Dominant 7th Chord exactly one perfect 5th above a given scale degree. The 9th, 11th, and 13th pitches of the chord are inferred according to the selected mode and NOT the mode from which the tonicizing chord prevails.
Similarly the object allows other types of tonicizations including leading tone tonications and minor four tonicizations. Augmented 6th chords and Neopolitan chords can also be implemented.
It even takes altered chords like Ebdom7b9#11.

created by V.J. Manzo
www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
modal_pc_match External The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale as defined by the modal_change object. If the incoming pitch matches one of the pitch classes of the scale, the object outputs a bang from one of its first seven outlets.
The object also defines the chromatic notes between diatonic scale degrees. If an incoming pitch matches a chromatic scale degree, the object outputs a bang from one of the next 14 outlets. For example, a C# played in the key of C Major is between scale degrees 1 & 2 - C & D - a whole step. An incoming C# in any octave will send a bang out of the outlet marked “Match Scale Degree #1” [read Sharp One].
The incoming note may also match a chromatic scale degree between a step and a half (3 semitones). In this case, two chromatic notes are next to each other separated by a half step. The lower of the two chromatic notes is referred to as the “#1” (assuming that the step and half interval is located between scale degrees 1 and 2 as is the case in the sixth mode of the harmonic minor scale, Lydian #2). The other chromatic note is closer to the higher scale degree and would be referred to as “b2”, thus the object would output the message “Match Scale Degree b2”. For example, imagine a G played in the key of A Harmonic Minor (between scale degrees 6 & 7 - F & G#). An F# is interpreted as “#6” and the G is interpreted as “b7”. Note: only the harmonic minor and harmonic major scales and their modes have two scale degrees separated by a step and a half.
In addition to matching chromatic pitches, the modal_pc_match object also outputs the chromatic pitch classes out of its last 14 outlets. Note that this means some notes will be redundant. For example, scale degree_b2 will be the same pitch as scale degree_#1 in Major keys. Once again, this will not be the case in the modes of harmonic minor and harmonic major where two pitch classes are separated by 3 semitones.

created by V.J. Manzo

www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
motormix.in External The motormix.in object takes channelized data from the motormix
The motormix.in object takes channelized data from the motormix (such as the fader message, which is fader ), removes the channel number and sends the data out a selected output. The first outlet outputs data that is not channelized (like the bank and group buttons).
mw_stepsallad External A simple, creative stepsequencer. Input list of integers/rhythm-eights/numbers, and let the stepsallad step through the list.
From the help file:

Arguments: a list of integers to set how long the steps in the sequence should be;
inlet: bang to step, set n to set sequence steps;
left outlet: bang at start of every step;
middle outlet: bang at pause steps;
right outlet: bang to indicate that sequence restarts;
Available for Max/MSP in OSX, in two versions, one for PowerPC and one for Intel machines.
A version for Max/MSP in MS Windows should be here soon.
next External Detect logical separation of messages
The next object sends out a bang out its left outlet when an incoming message is not part of the same Max "event" as a previous message. (An "event" is a mouse click, key press, MIDI event, or tick of the scheduler.) Otherwise, the next object sends a bang out its right outlet. Use the next object to do something once per dump of an object such as coll.
noise~ External Noise generator
Noise generator. noise~ is pretty simple. Just connect its outlet to something and you get noise. White noise*. The signal input is ignored. You could use it with begin~.
numlets External gives the number of inlets and outlets of any object, upon being sent the object\'s scripting name.
oddfm~ Abstraction an odd use of the tap object for frequency modulation goodness.
the patch is in the detailed description.
max v2;
#N vpatcher 123 44 330 267;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P newex 63 79 31 196617 +~ 1;
#N comlet out~;
#P outlet 10 178 15 0;
#N comlet index (signal/float);
#P inlet 129 45 15 0;
#P newex 63 115 27 196617 *~;
#N comlet modulator ~;
#P inlet 63 45 15 0;
#N comlet carrier ~;
#P inlet 10 45 15 0;
#P newex 10 140 44 196617 tapout~;
#P newex 10 79 38 196617 tapin~;
#P comment 10 27 44 196617 carrier;
#P comment 63 27 53 196617 modulator;
#P comment 129 27 43 196617 index!;
#P comment 74 157 100 196617 cheap and delicious!;
#P connect 6 0 4 0;
#P connect 4 0 5 0;
#P fasten 8 0 5 0 68 136 15 136;
#P connect 5 0 10 0;
#P connect 7 0 11 0;
#P connect 11 0 8 0;
#P fasten 9 0 8 1 134 102 85 102;
#P pop;
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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