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brown-melody Abstraction Generates a brownian-mouvement-like melody
Generates a brownian-mouvement-like melody within a given ambitus. The distance between two notes is determined by the brownian factor <0-1>. When this factor is 1, each note of the given range can be choosen. When the rate is O, the same note will be always repeated. The right outlet shows the chosen interval.
bucket External An n-stage shift register
Pass a number from outlet to outlet, out each one in turn

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changes External changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements.
changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements. When a change is detected, the list seen in the inlet is sent to the outlet and it is remembered for comparison with subsequent lists.
check-row Abstraction dodecaphonic based object
Outputs the input if it is a proper twelve-tone row; otherwise a bang is sent out of the right outlet.
cresc-decresc Abstraction crescendo / decescendo generator
Transition between a start velocity and an end velocity within a certain time. When the start velocity is bigger than the end velocity, a decrescendo will be obtained. If the end velocity is bigger than the start velocity, it will result in a crescendo. A bang is sent out the right outlet when the dynamic transition is over.
ctlin External Output incoming MIDI control change messages
Ctlin can take up to two arguments for MIDI controller number and channel. The number of outlets is variable between 1 and 3 depending on the number of arguments. If a MIDI control change message is received, ctlin outputs ints from right (MIDI channel), middle (controller number), to left (controller value). Note: Controller 1 is normally the modulation wheel on most synthesizers.
cv.jit.centroids External centroids are a very cheap and robust way of doing motion tracking.
Centroids, or center of mass, are the coordinates of the point where the number of ON pixels left of the x value is equal to the number of ON pixels to the right, and the number of pixels over the y value equals the number below. If there is only a single object in an image, centroids are a very cheap and robust way of doing motion tracking. Note that the centroids do not necessarily fall on an ON pixel, for instance in the case of a U-shaped object. Since the mass is used to calculate the centroids, cv.jit.centroids will also return this value from its second outlet.
cv.jit.moments External Apart from returning centroids and mass, it outputs two lists of shape descriptors.
This is the most complicated and versatile object of this distribution. Apart from returning centroids and mass, it outputs two lists of shape descriptors. Moment-based shape analysis is based on the physics concept of moment of inertia. Since, in theory, these moments are unique to each shape, they have been used for a long time to perform tasks like optical character recognition. From the left-most outlet a list of seven moments comes out. These are cryptically labeled "m20, m02, m22, m21, m12, m30, and m03". The m here simply stands for moment, the two numbers following tell us how the particular value was calculated.
cycle External Send successive numbers / stream of data to successive outlets cyclically
cycle takes two (optional) arguments. The first specifies how many outlets the object has (which can be arbitrarily large), and the second, if non-zero, uses a mode where separate "events" always restart at outlet 0. The default mode is to cycle through all the outlets. A separate event is one in which a different action triggers the next input. numbers which arrive from dumps from objects like table and coll are considered to belong to a single event.
datareader External Datareader is designed as a general-purpose MAX/MSP tool for the production of data sonifications and other applications in which reading multi-column spreadsheet data quickly and easily is necessary.
The datareader object allows users to read and output each column of a multi-column asci file (up to 64 columns) through a separate outlet. Each line can be output sequentially, forward or backward, or by indicating a specific line number. The object also includes simple interpolation and smoothing between lines
decode External Decodes a number to a specified "flag" outlet, Send 1 or 0 out a specific outlet
decode acts as a hierarchical switchboard. The right inlet is the master switch, which can turn off (send 0 out) all outlets. The middle inlet is a submaster switch, which can turn on (send 1 out) all outlets, provided they have not all been turned off by the master switch. The left inlet can turn on one of the outlets exclusively, provided neither the submaster switch nor the master switch is active.
dialog External Open a dialog box for text entry
Dialog makes a symbol out of the text you type in (or a message if you set the right inlet to 1) and sends it out the outlet when you click on the OK button in the dialog box. Note that the output of a dialog object is not directly "caused" by sending the object a message, so you can't count on it happening by a certain time).
dot.OSCroute Abstraction Native-max OSC parser allowing multiple OSC addresses to be dynamically added and removed.
Native-max OSC parser allowing multiple OSC addresses to be dynamically added and removed. Arguments or right inlet set addresses to route. Left outlet outputs matches with index corresponding to argument order.
dot.properties Abstraction regexp wrapper for parsing tagged message properties expressed in the form "@[label] [data]". Second outlet outputs number of backreferences.
dot.reg Abstraction
Like "zl reg" but right outlet bangs when empty.
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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