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fibonacci Javaclass (mxj) outputs the requested element of the Fibonacci sequence as a symbol
The fibonacci mxj class uses the Java BigInteger class, which allows for math manipulations of integers of any size.
fifo Abstraction first in first out.
filedate External Reports modification date of file
The filedate object takes the complete filepath of a file or folder and outputs the modification date.
filein External Read a file as unsigned binary data
filein allows access to any file as binary data. When a number arrives at one of its inlets, the data at that byte index is sent out filein's outlet. The particular inlet determines whether 8, 16, or 32 bits of data are output.
filename Abstraction sends out a read message with the full pathname of the chosen file.
In Max 4 and later, use opendialog instead
findwindow External Find and replace window
The findwindow object is used internally within Max to implement the Find window. It has no use outside of this window.
first Abstraction Outputs the first element of a list.
first-bang Abstraction Outputs only the first bang of a stream of bangs
Outputs only the first bang of a stream of bangs (e.g. rhythm) until the right inlet receives a (reset) bang.
first-shot Abstraction Outputs only the first message of a stream of messages (bangs, ints, floats, symbols, lists) until the right inlet receives a (reset) bang.
flange1~ Abstraction flanger
flange1~ is a simple flanger that is closely related to comb2~. The principal difference is that it uses a variable delay tap. An added parameter controls the portamento time of the resonant frequency when it is changed. This abstraction is intended for use with dynamic parameter changes. As with the comb filter, equally spaced peaks or troughs in the output signal's frequency response are created at each multiple of the peak width (a frequency value in Hz). This is done by adding a slightly delayed version of a signal to itself, which causes regularlyspaced phase cancellation in the signal’s spectrum. Negative values for the intensity parameter cause the center frequency of all peaks to be shifted by half the peak width (i.e. the troughs occur at each multiple of the given width).
flextdelay~ External Delay signals with a signal as delaytime (in samples) that could be smaller then the vectorsize.
With the flextdelay it's like the standard msp delay~ possible to make the delay smaller than the vectorsize, which is not possible with tapin~ and tapout~. But like tapout~ it's also controllable with an audio signal (as number of samples).
It's fast, and uses interpolation and an allpass filter.
Flies Javaclass (mxj) Flies simulation
In this example the java class Flies.class loaded by mxj is outputting LCD drawing commands for each fly out the 1st outlet and the X, Y, and Z coordinated of each fly out the 2nd outlet in response to the bang message. All computation is done in Flies.class with the exception of the actual mapping to the ioscbanks. Each fly is mapped to an oscillator in ioscbank with;
fling External if input value goes beyond range, new random value (from inside limits) + proceedes in new random direction.
if input value goes beyond range, new random value (from inside limits) + proceedes in new random direction. values outside range mapped to random translation. basically: values become unpredictable once outside range.
fluctuate External A variation of the random object.
fluctuate takes a focus point, a minimum offset from the focus, and a maximum offset from the focus. The result is the range that fluctuate will use to generate random values. The calculated extremes are inclusive. Changing the focus simultaneously changes the upper and lower limits of the randomly generated numbers. If min and max are both positive or both negative, the output will not include the focus.
ForLoop External ForLoop outputs a series of integers from a starting to an ending value, stepping by the specified step.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='166'Adrian Gierakowski The ag.granular.suite is a collection of Max/MSP patches for generalised granular sound processing and microsound composition written using FTM/Gabor libraries (developed at IRCAM) and encapsulated as Jamoma modules. Main features include: subsample accurate scheduling, multichannel output, granulation of multiple soundfiles at the same time (with interpolation of two sources per grain), parameter randomisation and sequencing, control via OSC, preset management, preset interpolation. Its modular architecture makes it possible to easily extend it with new algorithms for grain scheduling and parameter control.
AHRS Max Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='168'Giuseppe Torre The AHRS Library (Attitude Heading Reference System) is a set of Max externals that allows you to perform a series of basic calculations for 3D/4D vectorial math used in aerodynamics.
If you are using a three axis accelerometer and a three-axis magnetometer check out the"ahrs_triad" object which enables you to find the orientation of your cluster of sensor with respect to the Earth fixed coordinates.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='112' Jasch
Eric Singer
Wesley Smith
Based on Simon Fraser's implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boids algorithm.
Boids is free for non-commercial use.

Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator. It is based on the same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for the herding dinosaurs.
Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of boids. Each time Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the new positions of the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes for each boid, the number and type depending on the mode.

The flight parameters can be changed with messages. Use the 'dump' message to output a list of the current parameter settings.

For more information about the Boids algorithm, see Craig Reynolds' Web site at "http://reality.sgi.com/employees/craig/boids.html".
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='19'Jean-Marc Pelletier cv.jit is a collection of max/msp/jitter tools for computer vision applications. The goals of this project are to provide externals and abstractions to assist users in tasks such as image segmentation, shape and gesture recognition, motion tracking, etc. as well as to provide educational tools that outline the basics of computer vision techniques.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='139'Alain Bonardi
Isis Truck
When manipulating human knowledge such as perception, feelings, appreciation, veracity of facts, etc., the classical logic that recognize only two truth degrees (true or false) is not always the most suitable.

To solve this problem, more than two degrees are considered in the non-classical logics. The fuzzy logic is one of these logics.

In this logic, facts are represented through membership functions: when the membership value is equal to 1 the fact is exactly true; when it is equal to 0 the fact is exactly false; in between there is an uncertainty about the veracity of the fact.

These membership functions are called "fuzzy subsets". They can be of different shapes: gaussian, trapezoidal, triangular, etc.

Thus the aim of the fuzzy logic is to propose a theoretical framework for the manipulation - representation and reasoning - of such facts.

The Fuzzy Lib library implements all the tools that are necessary to handle this manipulation: representation of a fuzzy subset (among them are the fuzzification, defuzzification and partitioning), reasoning process (generalized modus ponens, fuzzy implications, t-norms, t-conorms, etc.).

This version 1 of the Fuzzy Lib enables to implement fuzzification, uncertain reasoning and defuzzification for any number of data in the framework of Max/MSP environment.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='157'David Butler imp.dmx is a cross-platform collection of Max/MSP/Jitter abstractions for dealing with DMX data in various forms. It focuses around the use of jitter matrices to store data, which the objects then read and write to. The aim is to provide the bridge between your patch and whatever object or method you use to output DMX from Max. The abstractions use native Max objects only, excepting the Art-Net patches which use some custom java networking objects, included in the distribution package.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me at david@theimpersonalstereo.com.
Check for updates at http://www.theimpersonalstereo.com.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='97'Oli Larkin int.lib is a set of abstractions/javascripts that lets you interpolate between different presets by navigating a 2D graphical environment. It's similar in concept to the Audiomulch Metasurface, Color blobs and the Hipnoscope but implements a gravitational system, allowing you to represent presets with variable sized balls. As you move around the space, the size of the balls and their proximity to the mouse cursor affects the weight of each preset in the interpolated output.
Litter Power Starter Package
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='53'Peter Castine The Litter Power Starter Pack consists of about two dozen external objects, including a number of new MSP noise sources, a wide variety of random number distributions, time-domain mutation, and several very useful utilities.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='96'Carl Faia MaxAlea contains various objects for random distributions and functions. MaxAlea was begun as a Max port of an existing PatchWork Library created in 1991-2 by Mikhail Malt. While the distributions and functions found in MaxAlea are similar to those found in the Patchwork version ,there are many differences in their functioning. The environment of Patchwork is static and is not designed for real-time work. Part of the incentive for creating these objects to work with Max was to have a dynamic and real-time environment with which to experiment and work with these algorithms in a manner as simple and straightforward as possible. One can change variables and manipulate the output in many ways in real-time. There are several different versions of the various stochastic models/processes best presented in the now classic references by Denis Lorrain and Charles Dodge. Carl Faia has used a variety of sources for the creation of this library which include the Lorrain, Dodge and Malt implementations as well as sources found on the WorldWideWeb. The externals found in the package include several random distributions, examples of random walks and 1/f noise algorithms, as well as one or two utilities written specifically for the MaxAlea library. Carl Faia wanted to make a coherent collection (as he thought Malt had managed to do in PatchWork) of these various algorithms and provide an interface easily accessible using the Max environment for real-time control. All these algorithms have been created using a seeded version of the random function found in the standard AINSI library. That is, each time the function is first run there will always be a different set of random numbers (unlike the random funtions found in Max, PatchWork and other versions of random number generators).
Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='81'Cyrille Henry Physical Modelling.
These objects provide real-time simulations, specially physical behaviors. pmpd can be used to create natural dynamic systems, like a bouncing ball, string movement, Brownian movement, chaos, fluid dynamics, sand, gravitation, and more.
With pmpd physical dynamics can be modelled without knowing the global equation of the movement. Only the cause of the movement and the involved structure are needed for the simulation. pmpd provides the basic objects for this kind of simulation. Assembling them allows the creation of a very large variety of dynamic systems .
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='46'Robin Davis You can think of these tools as virtual instruments - record your jam sessions, and take out the good bits for use in your music.

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