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Lstring External An object to convert ASCII into messages.
Lsustain External An object to manage note off messages and provide detailed sustain and sostenuto functions.
Lswitch External An object to choose messages from various inlets.
lua~ External Lua~ is a Max/MSP external embedding an extension to the Lua programming language for computer music composition (the Vessel library), supporting sample accurate interleaving of synthesis and functional control.
Lua~ is a Max/MSP external embedding the Vessel library for Lua, supporting dynamic yet deterministic interleaving of both signal processing and structural control with up to sample accuracy. For representation, it comprises an interpreted music programming language (a variation to the Lua programming language with extensions for event, control and synthesis articulation), while for rendering, it comprises a deterministic, dynamic, lazy scheduling algorithm for both concurrent control logic and signal processing graphs.

A lua~ object embedded in a Max patch can load and interpret Lua scripts that make use of these extended capabilities in order to receive, transform and produce MSP signals and Max messages accordingly. Lua~ is particularly well suited to granular synthesis, algorithmic microsound and accurate timing needs, helpfully circumventing some of the limitations of the Max/MSP environment for such work by supporting highly dynamic signal processing graphs in parallel processes according to timing specifications below block rate. Using an interpreted scripting language within a graphical programming environment such as Max offers advantages of control flow, generality of data and structure, high precision and control, complexity of data and functional interdependency and variable scoping.
makenote External Generate a note-off message following each note-on
match External match a pattern of incoming data
match watches an incoming stream of ints, floats, symbols, lists, or messages, and outputs the stream after it has met the specification of its arguments
matryx External message router like matrix~ (scripting)
Max ToolBox Javascript (js) The Max ToolBox adds new editing features to Max like the ability to quickly connect objects, distribute objects in space, send messages to objects, create new objects from the keyboard and much more.
Quick feature list :

  • Distribute selected objects in space, horizontally or vertically ;

  • Connect an outlet (selectable) of an object to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to the inlet (selectable) of an object located below ;

  • Connect all (or less) of the outlets of an object to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to all (or less) of the inlets of a an object located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect a column of two or more objects in cascade ;

  • Send any message(s) to the selected object(s) by invoking a dialog window using a keyboard shortcut ;

  • Access most of the features of this ToolBox using the same dialog window ;

  • Quickly name a row or column of objects ;

  • Create objects at the cursor position using keyboard shortcuts (à la Pure Data) (objects shortcuts are customizable) ;

  • Create objects at the cursor position using keyboard shortcuts and connect them to a previously selected object, either to the inlet or from the outlet depending on the mouse position.

MaxLink Javaclass (mxj) The MaxLink java libraries enable communication between Processing and Max/MSP 4.5 on both Mac and Windows.
Version 0.35 is available for download. It provides basic support for sending and receiving messages between Processing and Max, a Max object for launching Processing sketches, and some tools for creative networking.

MaxLink works by multicasting UDP messages over the local subnet. It uses a specific namespace protocol to match the inlets and outlets of Max objects with declared inputs and outputs of a Java processes (including Processing sketches).

Several simple examples are included in the download package. It only takes a few lines of code to get your Processing sketch talking to Max.
message box External Display and send any message
messaround Abstraction In case you wanted more than 9 message arguments, this is the workaround.
messengerBP Module allows messages to be sent to other modules
meter~ External Signal level meter
meter~ is a simple signal level meter that can be attached to any signal whose level is between -1 and 1. Other signals should be scaled first. Each "LED" on the meter represents a change of 3dB from the previous step, by default. The red "over" LED comes on if the signal is greater than or equal to 1, and lasts for about a second. You can change the redrawing interval with the interval message. Resizing the meter gives its vertical or horizontal orientation, depending on whether its height is greater than its width or vice versa. meter~ outputs the peak signal value received every redrawing interval. Additional appearance settings, such as number of LEDs, and their colors can be set using the inspector (by chooseing "Get Info..." in the object menu).
midiformat External Format data into a MIDI message
Format data into a MIDI message. Midiformat takes ints or lists of two ints denoting MIDI messages and formats them as raw MIDI bytes. You set the channel with the argument and the last inlet.
midiinfo External Set a pop-up menu with current names of MIDI devices
When midiinfo receives a bang or int in its left inlet, it sends a series of messages which will set up a pop-up menu to a list of MIDI output devices. If you check "Evaluate Item Text" in the pop-up menu dialog, you can connect the right outlet of the menu to a MIDI output object to select MIDI devices by name. A number in midiinfo's right inlet creates a list of MIDI input devices.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='112' Jasch
Eric Singer
Wesley Smith
Based on Simon Fraser's implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boids algorithm.
Boids is free for non-commercial use.

Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator. It is based on the same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for the herding dinosaurs.
Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of boids. Each time Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the new positions of the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes for each boid, the number and type depending on the mode.

The flight parameters can be changed with messages. Use the 'dump' message to output a list of the current parameter settings.

For more information about the Boids algorithm, see Craig Reynolds' Web site at "http://reality.sgi.com/employees/craig/boids.html".
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='62'Tom Mays bulk storage memory device for all values (any message)
Optimized Gates
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='34'Stephen Kay 7 different optimized gates ("bgate" for bangs, "igate" for ints, "fgate" for floats, "sgate" for symbols, and "lgate" for lists. These do not need to do a message lookup, since they only deal with one data type. Also includes "andGate" and "orGate" by David Roach)
ri.rotatexyz MSP objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='170'Ryo Ikeshiro Calculates 3D coordinates after rotation around the x, y and z axes by performing matrix (mathematical, not Jitter) multiplication at signal rate. Ideal for generating signal rate panning data for use with the rotatexyz message to jit.gl.render.

Currently only available for Mac OS X 10.5 or later (Intel). The following have only been tested on Max 5.

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