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Lsieve External Passes members of a list that match desired values.
match External match a pattern of incoming data
match watches an incoming stream of ints, floats, symbols, lists, or messages, and outputs the stream after it has met the specification of its arguments
MaxLink Javaclass (mxj) The MaxLink java libraries enable communication between Processing and Max/MSP 4.5 on both Mac and Windows.
Version 0.35 is available for download. It provides basic support for sending and receiving messages between Processing and Max, a Max object for launching Processing sketches, and some tools for creative networking.

MaxLink works by multicasting UDP messages over the local subnet. It uses a specific namespace protocol to match the inlets and outlets of Max objects with declared inputs and outputs of a Java processes (including Processing sketches).

Several simple examples are included in the download package. It only takes a few lines of code to get your Processing sketch talking to Max.
modal_fuzzharm External The modal_fuzzharm object outputs a fuzzy logic chord harmonization based on incoming pitch classes. a.k.a. an auto-chord harmonizer.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_fuzzharm object outputs a fuzzy logic chord harmonization based on incoming pitch classes. The object integrates with several objects in the modal_object library including the modal_pc_match object to determine if the incoming note played is diatonic or chromatic and that notes relationship in the context of the specified tonic and mode. For example, is the incoming note scale degree 1? Is it chromatic scale degree #4? If so, how do we want to harmonize that note when we receive it?
Double clicking the modal_fuzzharm object allows a user to see a table of chord symbols that the modal_triad object can interpret. The user can increase the probability weight to the table by clicking on one of the cells in the column for the desired chord/function listed in the top row. By default, all probabilities are set to zero. For example, if the incoming note matches scale degree one, you’d probably want to harmonize that note with the I chord, the IV chord and the vi chord since that scale degree one is present in all of these chords. Other chords may be used to harmonize that note as well, but you’d probably want the object to choose some chords more frequently than others, so we give them a higher table weight by clicking further down on the cells.
A bang sent to the modal_fuzzharm object will choose one of the chords to harmonize that note with based on the weightings you’ve specified. The table can be opened and presets can be saved. In the help file for this object, the seven diatonic scale degrees all have modal_fuzzharm objects connected so that when one of these scale degrees is played, the note will be harmonized in any way the user specifies. A specified table file has been loaded for each modal_fuzzharm object when the help opens which illustrates some default probability settings that harmonize these notes with diatonic chord functions.

created by V.J. Manzo

www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
modal_pc_match External The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale.

created by V.J. Manzo
The modal_pc_match object takes an incoming note in its left inlet and compares it against the diatonic pitch classes of any scale as defined by the modal_change object. If the incoming pitch matches one of the pitch classes of the scale, the object outputs a bang from one of its first seven outlets.
The object also defines the chromatic notes between diatonic scale degrees. If an incoming pitch matches a chromatic scale degree, the object outputs a bang from one of the next 14 outlets. For example, a C# played in the key of C Major is between scale degrees 1 & 2 - C & D - a whole step. An incoming C# in any octave will send a bang out of the outlet marked “Match Scale Degree #1” [read Sharp One].
The incoming note may also match a chromatic scale degree between a step and a half (3 semitones). In this case, two chromatic notes are next to each other separated by a half step. The lower of the two chromatic notes is referred to as the “#1” (assuming that the step and half interval is located between scale degrees 1 and 2 as is the case in the sixth mode of the harmonic minor scale, Lydian #2). The other chromatic note is closer to the higher scale degree and would be referred to as “b2”, thus the object would output the message “Match Scale Degree b2”. For example, imagine a G played in the key of A Harmonic Minor (between scale degrees 6 & 7 - F & G#). An F# is interpreted as “#6” and the G is interpreted as “b7”. Note: only the harmonic minor and harmonic major scales and their modes have two scale degrees separated by a step and a half.
In addition to matching chromatic pitches, the modal_pc_match object also outputs the chromatic pitch classes out of its last 14 outlets. Note that this means some notes will be redundant. For example, scale degree_b2 will be the same pitch as scale degree_#1 in Major keys. Once again, this will not be the case in the modes of harmonic minor and harmonic major where two pitch classes are separated by 3 semitones.

created by V.J. Manzo

www.vjmanzo.com | www.vincemanzo.com
OSC-route External Dispatch messages through an OpenSound Control address hierarchy with pattern matching
OSC-route is modeled on Max's "route" object, but it uses slash-delimited (URL-style) OpenSound Control addresses. Each OSC-route object implementes one node in the address tree.
quat2euler External Convert quaternion to Euler angles (azimuth/elevation/tilt or heading/attitude/bank or yaw/pitch/roll). NOTE: there is a loss of information in the conversion from quaternion to Euler angles. This behaviour is matched by the original Shoemake algorithm.
rezumai Javaclass (mxj) Natural Language Processing. Speech tagging, automatic text summarizer, html, doc and pdf parser, text "explainer".
Summarization, categorization, key phrase generation, part of speech tagging, anaphora resolution (i.e., matches proper names with pronouns), identification of place and human names, and sentence boundary detection.
- Uses bayesian classifier from Classifier4J (Version 0.6)
- Uses Natural Language Processing KBtextmaster (Version 2.0)
route External Selectively pass the input out a specific outlet
route takes a message and tries to match its first argument to route's own arguments. The rightmost outlet passes any message that matched no other choice, so you may gang routes to get more choices.
sadam.split External Split incoming number sequence.
sadam.split will route numbers to different outlets according to a set of ranges. These ranges are defined by breakpoints which can either be set as arguments to the object or changed on-the-fly. Numbers that wouldn't match any range will be sent out the leftmost (rightmost) outlet if they are lower (higher) than the lowest (highest) breakpoint.
select External Select certain inputs, pass the rest on
Send bang out an outlet that matches the input. Select checks incoming ints, floats, or symbols against internal value(s). If only one value is given, you get an inlet to reset it. There is a reject outlet which gives you the number back if all the tests fail.
tl.balance~ External Balance intensity of a signal to match that of a referential signal
v.buffers External v.buffers is a general holder of video frames.
v.buffers is a general holder of video frames. It can grab frames from a live video stream. It can import quicktime movies. It can import individual still images in many formats. It can export its contents as a quicktime movie. It can export any individual frame as a still image in many formats. The first argument to v.buffers is a name for the buffer. The second is the number of buffers. The frames are stored in RAM and so the maximum number of buffers you can allocate depends on the amount of RAM you have allocated to MAX. You can set a format, width and height for the buffers, but if a different format or dimension stream is received, the buffers will be resized to match and the previously recorded frames will be cleared. The frames are accessed through v.buffertap objects.
v.colourfilter External Each output pixel represents the degree to which that pixel fits the colour description.
Each output pixel represents the degree to which that pixel fits the colour description. If the incoming stream is rgb format, then rgb colour matching is used. If the incoming stream is in yuv format, then yuv colour matching is used. yuv offers better tracking of colours in highlight and shadow since it separates colour from brightness. To track an object with many levels of brightness, use a very high y (brightness) tolerance (256) and low (1-4) u and v tolerances). Normal tolerances for yuv: y tolerance = 4 - 256 u and v tolerances = 1 - 8 Normal tolerances for rgb: r, g, and b tolerances = 4 - 16 For grays images, v.colourfilter outputs how close the input pixels are to the y center.
v.composite External v.composite takes four arguments: the number of input streams to combine, the format (grays/yuv/rgb), and the width and height of output streams.
v.composite takes four arguments: the number of input streams to combine, the format (grays/yuv/rgb), and the width and height of output streams. The v.composite object will have ìnumber of input streamsî inlets, one for each input stream. If the format and size arguments are supplied, the v.composite will act as a fixed size context for compositing ( so that for example, multiple 320 x 240 images can be composited into a 640 x 480 image) If they are not supplied, then the output size of the v.composite will match that of the stream coming in the first inlet. The v.composite object uses any alpha channels in incoming streams to determine the transparency of that stream. Streams are composited in right to left order (i.e. with the leftmost stream sitting on top of all the others).
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