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tap.record2~ External crossfaded loop recording stereo
"smooth" recording (stereo)
tap.record~ External crossfaded loop recording
"smooth" recording
tap.sustain~ External sampling looper windowed
windowed-capture looper
tap.thru~ External break illegal feedback loops
toilet Patch One night, I went out with a minidisc and a friend and found myself recording the shattering of part of a ceramic toilet bowl. Taking this sample, I made a patch which loops different parts of the sound at different rates, creating a wierd beat.
v.buffertap External Output the frames in a v.buffers object as a stream.
Output the frames in a v.buffers object as a stream. v.buffertap accesses the frames stored in a v.buffers object of the same name. You can have multiple v.buffertaps accessing one v.buffers. You have several ways of playing back the frames: playing, looping, reversing_looping, and manual control. You can tell v.buffertap to interpolate between frames when the speed is slow, or you have manually specified a floating point frame number. You can set in and out points in v.buffertap to allow you to play and loop subsections of the buffers. If the in point is larger than the out point, the clip plays backwards from in to out.
vb.freezer~ External freeze audio input into a perfect loop
the loop is automatically copied to an external buffer~ for playback and pitch manipulation. successive freezes are overdubbed on previous contents of the buffer~.
xgroove~ External Variable-rate looping sample playback from a buffer~
xj.loop1~ Abstraction soundfile looper with offset selector
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Granular Toolkit
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='44'Nathan Wolek set of externals and abstractions developed using several granular synthesis concepts. Effects available in this download include pitch shifting, spatializing, \"clouds\", chord production and looping.

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