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gain1~ Abstraction converts a linear slider into a logarithmic gain scale.
The advantage of using gain1~ instead of a simple signal multiplication (*~) is that gain1~ is already configured to convert a linear slider into a logarithmic gain scale. It uses the built-in log scale of the standard MSP object linedrive (see the MSP reference manual for details).
gain~ External Logarithmic fader for signals
Logarithmic fader for signals. gain~ is a slider that scales signals. It can also make a smooth transition as you move from one value of the slider to the next. Parameters of line's formula that translates between slider values and the signal scalar can be changed via messages or by selecting the object and choosing Get InfoÉ from the Max menu. The formula values are the same as for the linedrive object.
linedrive External Scale integers for use with line~
Linedrive takes integers ranging from -argument 1 to +argument 1 and scales them to fall within the range -argument 2 to +argument 2. If the input equals argument 1, the output is equal to argument value 2. Output varies exponentially with the input depending on argument 3. With the arguments shown, input values between 0 and 127 are converted from 2*dB to linear amplitude with 127 becoming 1.
linedrive External Scale numbers exponentially.
Scale integers for use with line~
qgain1~ Abstraction quadraphonic gain module
This quadraphonic gain module can be used to control a four-channel signal with one master gain fader. The advantage of using qgain1~ over a simple signal multiplication (*~) is that qgain1~ is already configured to convert a linear slider into a logarithmic gain scale. It uses the built-in log scale of the standard MSP object linedrive (see the MSP reference manual for details).
stgain1~ Abstraction gain module
This stereo gain module can be used to control a two-channel signal with one master gain fader. The advantage of using stgain1~ over a simple signal multiplication (*~) is that stgain1~ is already configured to convert a linear slider into a logarithmic gain scale. It uses the built-in log scale of the standard MSP object linedrive (see the MSP reference manual for details).
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