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jcom.jsui_texttoggle.js Javascript (js) text toggle
jcom.js_link Javascript (js) link or unlink gain faders
jcom.js_systeminfo.js Javascript (js) Javascript providing some info on the system
jr.360dial.js Javascript (jsui) as jsui_360dial.js but with endless dial behavior
js External Execute Javascript code.
The js object exposes the core Javascript language, and some Max specific extensions for use in Max patches.
jstrigger External Sequential evaluation of Javascript expressions
The jstrigger object combines the trigger and expr objects using Javascript. Unlike either of these objects, you can create and output lists in response to input. The jstrigger object is less efficient than the trigger object, but if you are trying to express a complex sequence of operations, you may be able to express a solution without resorting to real Javascript, Java, or C code.
jsui External A Javascript user interface and OpenGL graphics environment.
namedobjs External retrieve named objects in a patcher
net.loadbang.web Javaclass (mxj) Embedded JSP-capable web server for MaxMSP
och.udp Abstraction nodejs-based udp implementation for max.
A new nodejs-based implementation of udp. In receive mode, it allows to know from where the messages are coming from. In send mode, it can receive back responses!
op.recognize Javaclass (mxj) Speech recognition and segmentation. Recognize is a speech to text based on Sphinx4. It translates the incoming audio signal into text and can give dates of words and phonemes in a buffer~. Uses JSGF grammar file and ngram model languages. No special voic
pattr_ui.js Javascript (jsui) jsui for pattrstorage that looks and behaves like the old "preset" ui object.
* Shift-click to store
* Click to recall
* Double-click for storage window
* Click-drag (horizontally) to interpolate between neighboring presets.
* resize to change number of visible slots.
resonance-display Javascript (jsui) Resonance and sinusoidal Model Display and Editing (jsui)
rm.numboxfix Javascript (js) Add PureData-like numberbox behavior
Normally when typing a in a number box in Max, the number box retains focus after hitting enter (unlike Pd) and can be problematic in performance if the numbers on the keyboard are also mapped to handle other commans. This js provides a method for clearing focus on a number box when hitting enter or tab.
scrollbar.js Javascript (jsui) This is a JavaScript scrollbar object modeled after the scrollbar that Cycling ’74 uses in a number of their objects (such as jit.cellblock or detonate).
A JavaScript scrollbar object which looks and feels very much like the scrollbar object released by Cycling '74 for a short period of time in 2009.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='128'Nick Rothwell Jetty-based embedded web server for MaxMSP. The server is packaged into an MXJ object, and can serve files from any directory in MaxMSP\'s search path. The server implements two-way communication with Max: the object reports web requests into the Max world, and Max can create attribute bindings for JSPs.

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