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ej.lui.js Javascript (js) JavaScript which creates a JSUI... and then kills himself :-)
ej.mmmm Javaclass (mxj) calculate minimum, mean, median and maximum
calculate minimum, mean, median and maximum on a stream of values. Faster version of js ej.4m
ej.nthru.js Javascript (js) It does nothing... just pass the input to the output...
ej.numbox.js Javascript (jsui) An alternative number box.
ej.op.js Javascript (js) Open subpatcher by name.
ej.route.js Javascript (js) route data by type.
f0.auto_scale.js Javascript (js) finds min and max values of a stream of numbers and uses them as input scaling range
f0.inc_dec_split.js Javascript (js) detect direction of incoming values and split to different outlets
f0.smooth.js Javascript (js) single exponential smoothing (ses)
f0.smooth2.js Javascript (js) double exponential smoothing (des)
f0.snap.js Javascript (js) smooth by snapping
f0.tune.js Javascript (js) "quantise" frequencies
f0.ultimate_counter.js Javascript (js) counter with float direction rate and loop settings
gl_grid.js External simple jitter 3d grid
simple jitter 3d grid
jcom.jsui_sr.js Javascript (js) Sampling rate thingy!
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='128'Nick Rothwell Jetty-based embedded web server for MaxMSP. The server is packaged into an MXJ object, and can serve files from any directory in MaxMSP\'s search path. The server implements two-way communication with Max: the object reports web requests into the Max world, and Max can create attribute bindings for JSPs.

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