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lores~ External Low-pass filter with resonance.
Low-pass filter with resonance. lores~ implements a cheap lowpass with an adjustment that lets you add the resonance you've been looking for. The middle inlet sets a kind of cutoff frequency, but the sharpness of the filter depends on the resonance. 0 is a little bit sharp and 1 as sharp as you're going to get.
lpass2~ Abstraction lowpass filter
A second-order IIR lowpass filter which is similar to the standard MSP object lores~ (a resonant lowpass filter). Like lpass1~, the cutoff frequency in the second inlet defines the point at which the high frequencies will start to be attenuated. However, lpass2~ also takes a "damping factor", which controls the slope of the cutoff. Damping values greater than 1.41 produce a mild slope similar to that of lpass1~. However, damping factor values less than 1.41 produce moderate to extreme gain boost around the cutoff frequency, characterizing this filter as a resonant lowpass filter (the gain boost creates a mild to pronounced resonating effect).
Lswitch External An object to choose messages from various inlets.
make-trans-scale Abstraction list generator
Generates a transition scale between a start and an end value with a certain number of elements. The typ of transition is determined by the int sent to the leftmost inlet which also triggers the calculation.
markov Abstraction probability based object
Interface built around the prob-object of David Zicarelli. A table of transition probabilities (cf. prob.help) is sent to the right-most inlet and the start value into the middle. A bang into the left inlet outputs an element chosen from a one-dimensional markov matrix.
markov-harmony Abstraction pitch generator
An sequence of intervals that is generated by a one-dimensional markov chain. The transition probabilities of the intervals have to be sent to the right-most inlet following the conventions of the "prob"-object. The desired start interval must be sent to the middle inlet. A bang in the left inlet outputs one chosen interval.
markov-rhythm Abstraction rythm generator
Entry delays of a given rhythmic material sent to the rightmost inlet are chosen according to a markov matrix sent the third inlet. An integer sent to the second inlet determines the start index of the rhythmic material.
matrix External data flow re-router
matrix is a data routing object. It is similar to gate with several additional features. matrix can have up to 253 data inlets and 253 outlets.
Max ToolBox Javascript (js) The Max ToolBox adds new editing features to Max like the ability to quickly connect objects, distribute objects in space, send messages to objects, create new objects from the keyboard and much more.
Quick feature list :

  • Distribute selected objects in space, horizontally or vertically ;

  • Connect an outlet (selectable) of an object to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to the inlet (selectable) of an object located below ;

  • Connect all (or less) of the outlets of an object to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to all (or less) of the inlets of a an object located below ;

  • Connect the outlets (selectable) of a row of objects to the inlets (selectable) of a row of objects located below ;

  • Connect a column of two or more objects in cascade ;

  • Send any message(s) to the selected object(s) by invoking a dialog window using a keyboard shortcut ;

  • Access most of the features of this ToolBox using the same dialog window ;

  • Quickly name a row or column of objects ;

  • Create objects at the cursor position using keyboard shortcuts (à la Pure Data) (objects shortcuts are customizable) ;

  • Create objects at the cursor position using keyboard shortcuts and connect them to a previously selected object, either to the inlet or from the outlet depending on the mouse position.

max-cursor Abstraction shows/hides the mouse cursor
1 or 0 send to the inlet (or given as an argument) shows or hides the mouse cursor.
max-menubar Abstraction 1 or 0 send to the inlet (or given as the argument) switches MAX's menubar on or off.
max-overdrive Abstraction 1 or 0 send to the inlet
1 or 0 send to the inlet (or given as the argument) turns MAX's Overdrive mode on or off.
max.llact External multipurpose storage object
values coming into the left inlet are stored on an internal list,
values coming into the right inlet are erased.
whenever there are numbers stored, 1 is the result.
if nothing is stored, output is zero.
this is useful to determine wether a row
in a matrix has any active points or not,
or wether any keys are pressed, since it's not possible
to get that information with key and keyup alone.
MaxLink Javaclass (mxj) The MaxLink java libraries enable communication between Processing and Max/MSP 4.5 on both Mac and Windows.
Version 0.35 is available for download. It provides basic support for sending and receiving messages between Processing and Max, a Max object for launching Processing sketches, and some tools for creative networking.

MaxLink works by multicasting UDP messages over the local subnet. It uses a specific namespace protocol to match the inlets and outlets of Max objects with declared inputs and outputs of a Java processes (including Processing sketches).

Several simple examples are included in the download package. It only takes a few lines of code to get your Processing sketch talking to Max.
member Abstraction list based object
The list at the right inlet is searched for occurences of the ints that arrive at the left inlet. The output is a one if the list includes the int and zero if it doesn't.
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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