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v.fill External v.fill allows you to create an arbitrary stream with any content that you want.
v.fill allows you to create an arbitrary stream with any content that you want. In its simplest form, v.fill outputs a stream filled with a single value. You can also write values calculated in a max patch into any pixel in the frame, fill the frame with a pattern defined in a list, or create certain mathematical patterns across the frame. v.fill can operate as a source. You can start it sending a stream by sending a 1 into its first inlet. You can stop it by sending a 0. You can synchronize it to another video stream by connecting the video stream to the first inlet. v.fill in grays float32 format is appropriate for providing displacement frames for v.displacexy.
v.gradient External Output a stream with a grayscale gradient.
Output a stream with a grayscale gradient. v.gradient creates a gradient across the image plane. This gradient is fully variable in angle, slope and center value. If the component size is int8, the output is centered on 128 and ranges from 0 to 255. If the component size is int16, the output is centered on 0 and ranges from -32768 to 32767. v.gradient can operate as a source. You can start it sending a stream by sending a 1 into its first inlet. You can stop it by sending a 0. You can synchronize it to another video stream by connecting the video stream to the first inlet.
v.samplehold External single stream: sample (pass) or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream.
single stream: sample (pass) or hold (freeze) the incoming stream. dual stream: sample (pass) or hold (freeze) individual pixels based on the values of the pixels in a second stream. v.samplehold passes the incoming pixels when the input is not 0 and the pixel values when the input is 0. The input can be from the second inlet or on a pixel by pixel basis from the pixels of a second stream. In single stream mode, if the v.samplehold is currently “holding”, then bangs received in the first inlet grab and hold a new frame.
v.swap External v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap
v.swap is a softVNS 2 version of swap, designed for synchronizing softVNS 2 streams. It allows you to reverse the processing order of two streams. A frame received in the right inlet is remembered. A frame received in the left inlet outputs immediately through the RIGHT inlet and then the last frame received through the right inlet is output through the the LEFT inlet.
v.switchboard External v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets.
v.switchboard is a cross-point or matrix switch that allows the routine of each inlet to any of the outlets. It can be controlled by the graphical 'matrix controller' provided with Max. Using v.switchboard provides more consistent performance for routing softVNS 2 streams because it manages the v.start and v.stop messages and broken patch-cords consistently. v.switchboard can accept at any inlet, a stream that originates in one of its outlets, though it must pass through another object for MaxMSP to agree to draw the patchcord.
Vcollect External Vcollect collects all the data arriving at its left inlet into a list.
vDeal Abstraction eturns random integers within a specified range
All numbers in the range are used before any is repeated. This is similar to the urn object introduced in Max 2.2. A single argument sets the range. If the argument is omitted the default size of 128 is used. The second inlet can also be used to set the range. The range must be at least 1. Anything less causes Deal to set the deck size to 1. Changing the value at the second inlet causes the "deck" to be "shuffled." You can also shuffle the deck by sending a "shuffle" message to inlet 1. A bang at inlet 1 causes output of the next "card." Use Uzi to deal multiple cards.
vdel~ External a variable delay unit with feedback
a variable delay unit with feedback. It is controlled by an internal oscillator. However a signal connected to the fifth inlet will override the oscillator. The values of this input should range between 0-1.
Vdronk Abstraction Vdronk is my implementation of the Max drunk object.
Dronk can produce the same number twice. Arguments and inlets 2 and 3 have the same meaning as drunk. Defaults for these arguments are 128 and 1. The output will be between 0 and the value expressed in argument 1 (inlet 2) inclusive. Argument 2 (inlet 3) is the "stagger" interval and is also inclusive. This behavior is different from drunk. For example: if the wander interval is 2 and the previous output was 7, the next output can be 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
vexpr External Evaluate a math expression for a list of different inputs, Vector version of the expr object
vexpr is identical to expr but allows lists to be sent to each inlet. It then evaluates the expression with the first item in each list, then with the second item in each list, and so on, until the last item in the smallest list it has received. For information about expr, see the expr help file.
vRandum Abstraction behaves like MAX's random object except that it shares a global seed with other random objects in my package
The result is between 0 and one less than the argument or right inlet.
xrandom Abstraction random based object
Outputs random numbers that are never repeated unless all numbers have been generated (series-principle). The random numbers are produced within an interval between 0 and a given maximum (minus one) which can be the argument of the function or being sent to the right inlet.
xroute External route object with inlets to specify
value and list position to check.
zl External Multi-purpose list processing, group join nth len reg mth iter sect sub union slice rev rot ecils
The zl object performs several kinds of list processing functions. You set the function with a keyword argument, and can change the function performed with the mode message. The behavior of the zl objectÕs inlets and outlets and the types of messages they expect or process varies according to the mode of the zl object. For brevity in the discussion that follows, we refer to any Max message as a list including single elements such as int, symbol, and float and messages that begin with a symbol (a Max list is a message that begins with a number).
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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