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binop1 + - * / External Arithmetic operators + - * /
The arithmetic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/), can be defined as either floating point or integer following the argument's type. The argument is optional for integer arithmetic. The right inlet acts to change the argument value but causes no output. The left inlet introduces the other operand and causes output to be produced. Bang (at left) causes output without changing either value.
bline External bang-based multi-segment line object
The bline object is an event-driven version of the Max line object. It takes a breakpoint list of [target] [time_to_target] pairs and 'tweens' appropriately to generate a smooth function. The major difference is that the bline object is driven by bang messages sent to its left inlet instead of being driven by the Max scheduler. This gives the object a flexible timebase, which is useful when working with events that have a variable processing time (such as rendering matrices in Jitter). As with the line object, the bline object sends a bang out the object's right outlet when the current ramp is finished. It works with integer and floating point numbers, can be stopped (with the stop message), and can use multi-segment lists (unlike Max line, but in keeping with the MSP equivalent, line~).
bline External An event-driven multi-segment line object.
takes lists in the format . it is similar to the line object, except that it is driven by events (given as bangs in the object's inlet) rather than the Max scheduler.
bogus External non-existent object
The bogus object is created when Max cannot find the definition of an object in a patch being read from a file. The object has as many inlets and outlets as are needed to preserve existing connections, in case the name of an object has changed or the file that defines the object can be moved to a folder where Max can find it. You can retype the name to try to recreate the object again.
bpm External A simple patch that converts float and integer to a bpm value for metro.
Use between integer/float (right inlet) and metro. Left input requires a bang to make the calculation. Only works in common time. For example set Integer to 120bpm, metro will output 500ms.
changes External changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements.
changes monitors an arbitrary list, watching for a change in specified elements. When a change is detected, the list seen in the inlet is sent to the outlet and it is remembered for comparison with subsequent lists.
choice-rhythm Abstraction rythm generator
First a supply of rhythmical values (ED = entry delays) is generated. Whenever a bang is sent to the rightmost inlet, a choice of the indices from this supply is made which serves as a choice list for a random ("alea") selection of ED«s.
clip~ External Constrain a signal between two values
Constrain a signal between two values. clip~ takes two arguments specifying the minimum and maximum between which the output signal will be constrained. You can also change these via the middle and right inlets, which can be floats or signals.
collect Abstraction Collects numbers
Collects numbers (ints or floats) sent to the left inlet into a list. A bang in the right inlet clears the list.
contrario Abstraction A number in left inlet outputs a complimentary number.
A number in left inlet outputs a complimentary number. The axis number has to be sent to the right inlet or given as an argument to the function.
convolve~ External convolve~ is a buffer~ based FIR (finite impulse response) convolution filter. An input signal is convolved with the samples of the buffer. An amplitude treshold can be set for saving processing time. The FIR length is free.
The functionality is similar to the "buffir~" object: a buffer~ is used to hold the FIR that will convolve the signal coming in the first inlet. But convolve~ scans the buffer~ for data above a given amplitude treshold so that the callculation process can be reduced (instead of high dynamic precision.) This faster calculation has as a consequence that the offset and legth of the FIR aren't signal inlets like in buffir~.
countdown Abstraction countdown object
An int sent to the inlet causes the object to make a countdown.
cpPan~ External constant power pan
Takes a mono audio input and pans it across two output channels. The panning uses an internal table of 1024 samples to reduce CPU load. The panning position is set through the right inlet, which can accept either signal or float input. Panning input should be limited to values between 0. and 1., with hard left equivalent to 0 and hard right equivalent to 1.
curve~ External Exponential ramp generator
curve~ is similar to line~. It produces a signal that goes from an initial to target value over a specified number of milliseconds. However, it produces non-linear ramps using a piecewise approximation of an exponential function. You specify the parameter to this exponential function in the curve~ object's right inlet. Values from 0 to 1 produce an "exponential" curve when increasing in value and values from -1 to 0 produce a "logarithmic" curve. The closer to 0 the curve parameter is, the closer the curve is to a straight line, and the farther away the parameter is from 0, the steeper the curve. curve~ can also accept a list of up two or three arguments (the previous curve parameter is used if there are two arguments), or a list with two or more value, time, parameter triples. curve~ is limited to 42 such triples in a single list. The object's approximation of the exponential becomes better when the vector size is smaller, but the object also becomes more computationally expensive.
Deal External returns random integers within a specified range.
All numbers in the range are used before any is repeated. This is similar to the urn object introduced in Max 2.2. A single argument sets the range. If the argument is omitted the default size of 128 is used. The second inlet can also be used to set the range. The range must be at least 1. Anything less causes Deal to set the deck size to 1. Changing the value at the second inlet causes the "deck" to be "shuffled." You can also shuffle the deck by sending a "shuffle" message to inlet 1. A bang at inlet 1 causes output of the next "card." Use Uzi to deal multiple cards.
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Panaiotis Objects
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='122' Panaiotis The Mac version is UB.

These Max objects have been enhanced since the documentation to the left was written. Help files for the objects provide information on enhancements.

The matrix object has been substantially upgraded. It now combines features of unpack, spray, funnel, append, and prepend into one object. This makes a great object to place between controllers and jit objects because it acts like a multi-prepend. There are new configuration commands and enhancements to the old: even, odd, mod,and range, among others). Most commands can be applied to inlets of outlets. There is also a mute function that adds another layer of control. Matrixctrl support has been enhanced. See the help file for full details and examples.

Most other objects now fully support floats. RCer and autocount will count in float values, not just integers.

Notegen16 is a 16 channel version of its predecessor: notegen. It is more generalized and much more efficient.

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