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filtercoeff~ External Converts filter frequency, amplitude and resonance to biquad coefficients at signal rate.
Calculate signal-rate coefficients for biquad~ from filter parameters
hr.filtercoeff~ External hr.filtercoeff~ is an audio rate, double precision, biquad filter coefficient generator for several filter types.
hr.filtercoeff~ is an audio rate, double precision, biquad filter coefficient generator for several filter types. Since calucating this at full audio rate can be quite expensive, you can set the internal sampling rate with the resamp message. A resamp value of 1 will calculate coefficients at the current MSP sampling rate(most expensive), 2 at half that rate(cheaper), etc. A resamp value of 0 or >= signal vector size will calculate coefficients once per signal vector(cheapest). The gain input is ignored for the lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop filters. Instead use gainlpass, gainhpass, gainbpass, or gainbstop.
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