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synGranul~ External sinusoidal granulation DSP object
Advanced sinusoidal granulation DSP engine for MaxMSP. Features are buffer based enveloppe, float/signal parameter control, internal spatialisation of each grain on 2-4-6-8 channels, high polyphony ( up to 512 simultaneous grains ).
tcpClient atp Javaclass (mxj) communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket
A Max object written in java (using mxj) to communicate back and forth over a single persistent TCP/IP socket with a TCP/IP server, something the net.tcp objects that ship with Max can't do. Opens a socket, then sends and receives info without closing it. Closes the socket only when you tell it to, or when the server disconnects (ie from inactivity).

Useful for connecting to simple hardware network devices like EZ Web Lynx and other microcontrollers/DSPs that don't easily support something nicer like OSC, or any TCP Protocol that sends data back on the same socket.

Tested on MaxOS X 10.5 and Windows XP, Max/MSP 5.1.x

Developed by Arvid Tomayko-Peters for Your Heaven, LLC

Thanks to David Reilly for his TimedSocket class.
tl.crossover4~ External 4th order Linkwitz-Riley crossover filter (high and low).
This is a commonly used high-end crossover filter for loudspeakers. It is a 24 dB per octave crossover filter with each filter down 6 dB at crossover. An important feature of the filter is that the two drivers (the low and high passed filters) are actually in phase at all frequencies. That is, even though the filters have their own characteristic phase responses the phase difference between the two output signals is the same at all frequencies. As a result, each filter section has the same group delay.
vbap External to pan sound signals to any loudspeaker configurations
vbapan~ External providing surround panning for sound sources in multi-loudspeakers environments using Vector-Based Amplitude Panning (VBAP)
It is possible to use both signal and control data to feed the object, to switch dynamically between several setups (number and position of loudspeakers). It is also possible to use either polar or Cartesian coordinates.
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GMU externals
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='145' GMEM GMU externals is a library of advanced granulation DSP engine for MaxMSP. It is the external-only distribution of the GMU package.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='161'Pierre Guillot The pg.library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and Max 6. It includes a data, a msp and a fft library.
The Data library is a collection of externals for Max 5 and 6 that can be useful for the management, the transformation and the generation of data. The Dsp library is a collection of externals for Max 5 that allows you to pack/unpack signals and to adapt signals for the operations with packed signals. It includes a quasi-synchronous granlular synthesiser and chaotic signal generator. The FFT library is a collection of externals for Max 6 for spectral description and analysis of a signal.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='49'Thomas Grill VASP is a package for PD or Max/MSP consisting of a number of externals extending these systems with functions for non-realtime array-based audio data processing. VASP is capable of working in the background, therefore not influencing eventual dsp signal processing.

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