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sadam.rapidXML External A RapidXML wrapper for Max.
sadam.rapidXML will create, read, store or even modify DOM trees. The DOM is one of the possible representations of the contents of an XML document (see http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/.) The object internally uses the RapidXML 1.13 library (see http://rapidxml.sourceforge.net/,) which is one of the fastest, yet still almost completely W3C compliant, freely available XML parsers.

When an XML is parsed, the object will assign a unique ID to each Element of the document, called the Element Index. This index won't get stored and changes each time when the order of Elements in the XML is modified (either by inserting or removing Elements). However, using the Element Index is the preferred (and in most cases, the only) way to address a given element in the XML. The Element Index is sent out the rightmost outlet each time an element is accessed. The Element Index of the Document Element is always 0, the rest of the Elements get their index in their 'order of appearence'. This means that even if an Element is being inserted or removed, the Index of the Elements that come earlier in the Document won't change.

When querying Attributes, Text, or CDATA nodes, the requested data will be sent out the appropriate outlets in right-to-left order (in case of Attributes, if more than one Attribute is requested, they will be sent to the output as a sequence like AttributeName1-AttributeValue1-AttributeName2-AttributeValue2-...-AttributeNameN-AttributeValueN, alternating on the appropriate outlets) followed by an error code. When querying Elements, the result will be sent out as a sequence (from right to left) consisting of the Element Index, the Tree Depth of the Element (the Document Element is at level 0, its children are at level 1 etc.), the Element's Tag Name, the Attributes, and finally the Text Content (which is a concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes).

The leftmost outlet serves as an error outlet. After each command sent to the object, an error code is being sent back through this outlet at the end of the execution of the given command. A negative value means that the command could not be executed successfully, while 0 means success. In some cases (typically when one or more Elements are queried) the error outlet reports the number of Elements successfully returned.

As already mentioned, RapidXML 1.13 (and therefore sadam.rapidXML) is not fully W3C compliant. The main reason is that the parser ignores DOCTYPE declarations. There are also some difficulties with namespace management as well, the parser wouldn't refuse XMLs containing more than one root element and it will allow duplicate attributes for the same element. Also, to make parsing faster, all kind of XML validation is turned off by the wrapper Max object. If you need a 100% W3C compliant XML parser, consider sadam.dom, which is almost identical in functionality to sadam.rapidXML and requires MXJ to run.
sadam.split External Split incoming number sequence.
sadam.split will route numbers to different outlets according to a set of ranges. These ranges are defined by breakpoints which can either be set as arguments to the object or changed on-the-fly. Numbers that wouldn't match any range will be sent out the leftmost (rightmost) outlet if they are lower (higher) than the lowest (highest) breakpoint.
scale-changer Abstraction scale changer
Changes one single pitch of a given scale whenever you send a bang to the left inlet. A start scale must be sent to the right inlet frist - note its special format: a list of size 12 consisting only of 0 and 1 where 1 means an active pitch class and 0 a inactive one.
SDIF-buffer External Store an SDIF stream in Max
This object is described by the paper "Supporting the Sound Description Interchange Format in the Max/MSP Environment", which you can find here: http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/ICMC99
sel-princ Abstraction random based object
Changes between the selection principles ALEA, SERIES and SEQUENCE (as defined by G. M. Koenig) and ROTA
selX External An enhanced “sel” object,
An enhanced “sel” object, with the capacity for more arguments, and the fact that you can change any or all of them on the fly with messages.  Furthermore, it can bang (like sel), or send the items themselves.
send~ External Send a signal without a patch cord
Send a signal without a patch cord. send~ lets you send a signal to another patcher window or to another location within the same patcher window without using a patch cord. In addition, the destination of the signal can be changed on the fly using the set message. A receive~ object with the same name receives the output of send~. Note that if two or more send~ objects are aimed at the same receive~, the signals add together (you can hear this in the example below).
sliceX External Slice a long list into various sized pieces, by args
Slice a long list into various sized pieces, by args; i.e. 3 5 8 12 sends those sized pieces out the outlets.  Change size on the fly, etc.
slide~ External Slide filters an input signal logarithmically between changes in signal value.
Slide filters an input signal logarithmically between changes in signal value. The formula is y(n) = y(n-1) + ((x(n) - y(n-1))/slide). It's particularly useful for envelope following and lowpass filtering.
speedlim External Limit the speed of messages passing through
Limit the speed with which messages can pass through. Speedlim takes one optional argument which is a speedlimiting time in milliseconds. The left inlet takes any message and outputs it according to the argument value. The right inlet takes int to change the speedlimiting time.
St.bankout Abstraction Turn sprogram numbers higher than 127 into the required combination of bank change and program change midi events.
St.Change Abstraction Change object for more than just integers.
St.ChangeShift Abstraction Like St.Change it is a Change object for more than just integers. But it will output same occurances out the middle outputs in a shifting manner.
St.end Abstraction A send with changeable destination.
But best of all, if a second parameter is set, it will send to this number of named objects when connected to thispatcher, or if the second parameter is a symbol it will compose the destination out of the two parameters.
stpan1~ Abstraction stereo panning element
This stereo panning element creates smooth, equal-power gain changes from left-to-right (channel one to channel two), the panning is controlled at audio rate by modulating the phase inlet of two cosine oscillators whose frequency is zero Hertz.
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debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='112' Jasch
Eric Singer
Wesley Smith
Based on Simon Fraser's implementation of Craig Reynolds' Boids algorithm.
Boids is free for non-commercial use.

Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator. It is based on the same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for the herding dinosaurs.
Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of boids. Each time Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the new positions of the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes for each boid, the number and type depending on the mode.

The flight parameters can be changed with messages. Use the 'dump' message to output a list of the current parameter settings.

For more information about the Boids algorithm, see Craig Reynolds' Web site at "http://reality.sgi.com/employees/craig/boids.html".
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='147'Wesley Smith
Graham Wakefield
Cosm is an integrated collection of externals and abstractions to assist the construction of navigable, sonified virtual worlds using Max/MSP/Jitter. Cosm has been designed to require only minimal changes to existing Max/MSP/Jitter patches to support a number of features valuable in the creation of virtual worlds.

Supports six-degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) navigation using quaternions, spatial audio using 3rd order Ambisonics, distance filtering and doppler, collision detection using spherical intersection (query sphere), world boundaries, stereographic control, 3D field interaction, and a strategy for remote rendering.
ISPW Compatibility Library
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='68'Zack Settel This library provides a set of abstractions which allow a certain degree of compatibility between MSP and Miller Puckette's Max0.26/FTS for the ISPW/SIM (Ircam Signal Processing Workstation/Station d'Informatique Musicale). It contains abstractions for all of the ISPW (signal) objects whose name has changed in MSP, and some additional abstractions to replace objects found in the "lib" and "ISPW jimmies".
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='79'Trond Lossius
Timothy Place
Matt Aidekman
John Hudak
Jamoma provides a clear structure and common features for building max patches. reducing the amount of time needed to create new performance systems, and enhancing the interchange of patches amongst max users.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='96'Carl Faia MaxAlea contains various objects for random distributions and functions. MaxAlea was begun as a Max port of an existing PatchWork Library created in 1991-2 by Mikhail Malt. While the distributions and functions found in MaxAlea are similar to those found in the Patchwork version ,there are many differences in their functioning. The environment of Patchwork is static and is not designed for real-time work. Part of the incentive for creating these objects to work with Max was to have a dynamic and real-time environment with which to experiment and work with these algorithms in a manner as simple and straightforward as possible. One can change variables and manipulate the output in many ways in real-time. There are several different versions of the various stochastic models/processes best presented in the now classic references by Denis Lorrain and Charles Dodge. Carl Faia has used a variety of sources for the creation of this library which include the Lorrain, Dodge and Malt implementations as well as sources found on the WorldWideWeb. The externals found in the package include several random distributions, examples of random walks and 1/f noise algorithms, as well as one or two utilities written specifically for the MaxAlea library. Carl Faia wanted to make a coherent collection (as he thought Malt had managed to do in PatchWork) of these various algorithms and provide an interface easily accessible using the Max environment for real-time control. All these algorithms have been created using a seeded version of the random function found in the standard AINSI library. That is, each time the function is first run there will always be a different set of random numbers (unlike the random funtions found in Max, PatchWork and other versions of random number generators).
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='123' Pelado the p.jit.gl tools are designed to provide for easier learning of and experimenting with the many attributes that are available to jitter's gl objects by making them a whole lot more transparent and accessible. patches expose jitter gl object's attributes to interfaces that allow you to immediately edit and change an attribute's value. many of the parameters are attached to blines, which provide smooth changes while rendering, and all settings can be saved and recalled as presets using the pattrs that are embedded in the patches.
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='43'Matt Wright SDIF (Sound Description Interchange Format) support in Max/MSP
debug: SELECT prenom, nom FROM auteurs RIGHT JOIN auteur_libraries USING (id_auteur) WHERE auteur_libraries.id_library='100'Zack Settel
Jean-michel Dumas
Parts of the nSLAM audio suite.
The "xjimmies" library included with nSLAM v2.0 offers new functionality not defined in the original "jimmies" running under Max/MSP.
Specifically, a number of new objects have been added for working with multichannel sound, sound source simulation and immersive audio. The name of the library, formerly "jimmies", was changed to "xjimmies", since the "X"-platform library runs in both PD (Windows/OSX/Linux) and now, in Max/MSP (Windows/OSX).

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